Dark Kisses - Chapter Three

Jul 07, 2010 17:56

Title: Dark Kisses
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 3/?
Pairings: (Main!) YeWon, HanChul, HaeHyuk, other pairings will be mentioned.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Humor, Fluff, Some Angst, Drama(?), Smut, Supernatural, Dark
Disclaimer: I don’t own them... Or do I? Lol, just kidding XD *Dies*
A/N: I thought of Kingdom Hearts (Game) then Organization XIII so why not make the Super Junior-ish version of it XD
Summary: Yesung can’t remember the events that happened before he was three when his parents died... In an orphanage he creates a strong bond with a boy who ends up leaving when he turns nine... Present time: Yesung and his best friend get kidnapped by two mysterious men in white cloaks... What does the Organization XIII and the Alliance want?

Chapter Three

“Yah! Did you hit him?!” Jaejoong said with a worried tone as he walked up to the boy who was holding an unconscious body, “Hyung, it hurts that you don’t trust us!” he pouted. “Yah! I never said that!” Jaejoong huffed then walked away to check on Henry, Hyukjae and the others.

The man carried the body all the way to his room, before he placed him onto his bed, Yesung woke up. “...”

“Take a rest, you won’t feel it when you’re asleep...” he pulled the covers over the confused boy, “Who are you...?”

“Kyuhyun...” he smiled then walked away, feeling pissed off but didn’t show it.
“Kyuhyunie!” Hyukjae squealed, “Wahh, how did you get him?”

“Yesung was outside under a tree without anybody near him...”

“...Yesung...? How do you know his name?” Hyukjae questioned, did they know each other?

“Oh... I... I heard someone talking to him... so yeah...” Kyuhyun smiled but Hyukjae didn’t buy it, “You just said that no one was near him...?”

“I lied~” Kyuhyun said in a childish tone then walked away, “YAH!” Hyukjae yelled, running after him.

Hyukjae sighed, too tired to run now. Normally, Kyuhyun never stutters so it was obvious that he was lying...
“Yesung, are you hungry?” Kyuhyun said as he opened the door, Yesung shaked his head, left to right; he already ate before coming here because of Siwon. Kyuhyun looked at his necklace... it looked familiar, “Yesung, do you like wearing necklaces or...?

“No... Someone important gave me this...” Yesung didn’t understand why he’s telling him this.

“I see... The original owner was Shin right?” Kyuhyun felt mad again, “Omo! You know Shin-hyung?!”

“You only remember him...?”

“Of course... who else was there? I only stayed by Shin-hyung’s side!” Yesung looked proud while Kyuhyun was irritated. “How could you forget about... you know what, it wouldn’t make a difference!” Kyuhyun yelled, surprising Yesung as he walked out and slammed the door shut. Yesung felt scared now... “Who else was there besides Shin-hyung?” Yesung wondered and began thinking about everything he did with him:

“Shin-hyuuuuuunng!” Yesung chanted as he ran up to him. “Did something good happen today? You look really happy.” Shin chuckled. “Yes! I almost fell down the stairs!!” Yesung said cutely while Shin almost fell. “WHAT?!”

“But Kyunnie-hyung saved me!” Yesung smiled. “Since when do you call Kyu-ah Kyunnie?” Shin smiled although he was still worried. “Because! I asked hyung if I could call him Kyu Kyu-hyung, I wanted to call him by a nickname like you do but not the same one but he said Kyu Kyu was weird so he suggested Kyunnie since it sounded cute and less strange!”

“That’s so like him to say that...” Shin whispered to himself, “Are you hurt anywhere...?”

“No! But Kyunnie-hyung got a few bruises...” Yesung looked sad. “Hmm? How, did he fall down instead?” Shin laughed but stopped as Yesung nodded. “Actually, we both did but... he made sure his body hit the stairs and the floor instead of mine!” Yesung started crying.

“Yah, you got to stop crying,” Shin laughed as he wiped the tears away, “At least he’s okay and not injured.” Yesung nodded. “Where is he now?”
“In his room, reading...” Shin held onto Yesung’s hand while they walked to their friend’s room, it was getting cold outside anyway.

“Kyunnie-hyung... There’s no way that he’s Kyuhyun right?!” Yesung felt shocked, how could he forget about him?! Kyuhyun was always there when he cried, especially when Shin left... although he left one week afterwards... Yesung felt terrible, he got off from the bed and walked over to open the door. “Yesung I-” Kyuhyun was going to apologize until Yesung hugged him.
“Aish, Siwon... he’s been kidnapped... I looked everywhere!” Donghae sighed, “I guess he wasn’t playing hide-and-seek after all...”

“What did they say?”

“They couldn’t tell but it was someone from the Alliance... they said it was a brunette haired man but they’re not 100 percent sure...”

“Brunette...? Alright, let’s go back inside...” Siwon mumbled. “What?!”

“I need to ask Heechul some questions...”
“Yah, I wasn’t going to rape you... I was just kidding!” Hangeng mumbled, trying to get Heechul to stop giving ignoring him. “Babo...” Heechul huffed then turned around. Before Hangeng could do anything, Siwon knocked on the door.
“You idiot!” Yesung cried, hiding his face on his shoulder, “Why did you leave me also?!”

“I-It’s complicated...” Kyuhyun sighed. “Complicated my ass!” Yesung yelled after he stopped crying, “Tell me why you two left!”

“Tell me why you still keep that necklace!” Kyuhyun glared. “He made a promise with me!”

“Promise...!” Kyuhyun cruelly laughed, “There’s a reason why Shin told you that you have to find him by recognising him without anyone telling you who he is. He knew that there was no way you would be able to find him considering that he could be dead by now... How would you know where he is first of all?”

“Shut up!!” Yesung screamed, “Hyung would never lie!”

“Who knows? Shin could’ve been two faced...? Yesung-ah, remember every time you cried... who was there to comfort you? When you cried in front of Shin, he would just stare at you...” Kyuhyun smirked.

“No! He wiped away my tears...”

“That was once!” Kyuhyun said in a cold tone, “Yesung-ah-” Kyuhyun stopped when he looked at Yesung, his expression was a mix of anger, hurt and confusion. “Maybe you are right...” Yesung tensed, “Maybe he didn’t care after all ... Maybe it was all an act! Maybe he didn’t want to hurt the poor boy who always got bullied in his class...” Yesung laughed then put on a dark smile and walked back inside.
“What do you know?” Siwon asked after Hangeng left the room.

“What do you think I know?” Heechul had no expression on his face. “You already knew about us didn’t you?”


“How did you know about the Alliance and Organization XIII?”

“I’m Sungie’s watcher...”


“Well it shouldn’t matter if I told you...” Heechul’s dead expression turned into a smile,

“What do you know about Yesung’s family?”

“Parents are dead... The older brother-”

“Is my best friend and also the leader of the Heartless... or was...”

“What?!” Donghae yelled. Siwon already knew this, “He thought it was safer if Yesung had his memories erased and was sent to the orphanage...”

“Correct... How did you know?” Heechul and Donghae stared at Siwon.

“Doesn’t matter... Anyway-”

“I know... The objective of the Organization and Alliance is to kill as many Heartless as they can in order to gain more hearts... by doing that you will unlock Kingdom Hearts and gain power that could be used to gain your memories back... Though I still wonder why you two groups are fighting.”

“...” Donghae looked to see Siwon’s expression then stared back at Heechul, “H-How-”

“Yesung’s brother is possessed... That’s how he became the leader... ”

“Damn, what do you not know?” Donghae looked amused, “Where’s Yesung!”

“How would he know?!” Siwon glared then flicked Donghae on the head. “So mean!” Donghae pouted.

“Anyways, recently Yesung’s older brother stopped being controlled... I’m guessing the one who was controlling him is now after Yesung... Considering that he’s been feeling pain and getting flashbacks that occurred when he was three-”

“What if Yesung ends up getting possessed?” Donghae asked.

“He’ll gain the Ultima Keyblade and use it to kill off people that get in his way... He’ll start embracing the darkness... Probably~” he smiled cheerfully, scaring Donghae.
“Why can’t I remember anything?!” Yesung shouted, feeling even more pain but for some reason... the pain felt good. Yesung took a glance at the door, Kyuhyun stopped trying to open it... “What to do...?” he pouted, lying down. Yesung eventually got bored and fell asleep.

“Hyung? Where are you going?” Yesung pouted as his older brother put on his coat, about to walk out the door. “Yesung-”

“Hyung, it’s already been an hour! They promised that they would come...” Yesung pouted then the taller ones eye’s darkened. “Don’t worry... I’ll be back. Understood?” he smiled so Yesung nodded.

“What to do...” Yesung marched around his room, thinking of ideas to occupy himself as he waited. Yesung almost thought of something until he heard his door open, “Hyung!” he smiled until he noticed his facial expression. He walked towards Yesung then fell to his knees as he hugged the small, confused boy, “H-Hyung...?”

“The plane...”

“Hmm... What about it?”

“Dead... they’re dead.” He held onto him tighter, almost crushing Yesung. “Hyu-Hyung, it hurts...” he let go of Yesung then looked into his eyes and smiled, “Umma and Appa are dead.”

“...” Yesung didn’t believe him, “Ha ha, very funny...” his warm smile changed into a serious expression as Yesung tried to hold back his tears, “No!” the older one attempted to wipe his tears away but Yesung slapped his hand away, “No! They didn’t die... not on my birthday!” Yesung screamed, he hated that his parents are the presidents of this important company, because of that they are always in a different location because of business!

“I only see them three times once a year... they never came to visit me on my birthday.” Yesung murmured then walked away.

~One week later~

After the funeral, Yesung heard many people crying and saying that he killed his parents and other things... It’s funny how the adults say it’s not his fault but say he killed his parents behind his back. Yesung had enough of hearing their conversations behind a tree so he went inside, walking to his brother’s room and slightly opened the door because he heard two people talking, “Why are you blaming Yesung! He’s just a child!” Yesung heard his aunt yell. “...I know! I know... But if he didn’t ask them to fly over here, umma and appa would still be here today!!” Yesung gasped as he heard his brother, he was on his knees sobbing. He shut the door and began walking away...

His brother walked out of his room with his aunt, he smiled as saw his younger brother, “Oh, Yesung!” he chanted, he looked like nothing had happened. Yesung kept smiling also until he heard his phone ringing.

~Two months later~

Yesung walked outside with a maid since he can’t go out by himself... “Tiffany noona wouldn’t lie to me right...?” Yesung asked.

“Of course, but why would you ask me that... do you have something on your mind?” she giggled as she saw Yesung nod. She pinched his cheeks because he looked so cute. “Hyung hates me the most right?”

“He doesn’t hate you at all... He went away because of business he needed to attend; he is the president now after all.” Tiffany smiled. “Another lie...” Yesung whispered to himself. “Did you say something?” Tiffany asked but Yesung just shaked his head.

[A/N: *Sighs* I think this chapter was confusing DX If you’re confused then tell me with what ^^ Can anyone guess whose Yesung’s brother? >_< Please comment! <3 Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring XD ALSO! I’M SURE MOST OF YOU REMEMBERED THAT I MENTIONED KYUHYUN BEING A MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATION! FORGET ABOUT THAT! XD I changed my mind... >_< I'll put HanChul and HaeHyuk moments in the next chapter.]

au, yewon, humor, romance, hanchul

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