Sing Me A Melody and I'll Write You These Lines by oninoshirosaki, #11 - Lost.

Aug 07, 2015 00:33

Author : oninoshirosaki.
Fandom : FINDER Series.
Title : Sing Me A Melody and I'll Write You These Lines [1/1].
Theme : #11 - Lost (Theme Set 2).
Rating : G.
Genre(s) : AU, Angst, Deathfic.
Pairing : Asami Ryuuichi/Liu Fei Long.
Summary : Asami watches and waits for Fei Long to come back to him.
Warning(s) : M/M, Character death.
Disclaimer : I do not own FINDER Series.
Author's Note(s) : Birthday fic for Senpai.

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#11 lost, entries, finder series

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