Four Seasons, One Constant Forever by Kat Lee, #5

Sep 19, 2013 04:30

Title: "Four Seasons, One Constant Forever"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: G/K
Fandom: X-Men
Characters/Pairings: Lockheed/Kitty with mentions of Kitty/Rachel, Kitty/Ororo, Piotr/Kitty, Wisom/Kitty, and Brian/Meggan
Prompt: Theme #5: #2: Four Seasons

She stared out at the Autumn leaves swirling pass her window down to the grounds she'd called home for most of her life. They were vastly different now, so full of modern technology and new faces running that, at times, it was hard to picture the calmer, quieter, and smaller school that had first been here, but she could still see it. She could still overlook the new students and see herself along with Logan, Ororo, Piotr, Kurt, and Rogue playing in the leaves they had been supposed to be raking, or playing football later in the season.

Kitty sighed, absent-mindedly fingering her David's star, and kept staring at the past. Things had changed so much since those days. She'd been so in love with Piotr then, and then later with Ororo, and back to Piotr, and then with Rachel, and with Wisdom. Each of them had left her at different times. Each had returned, but it had never been the same. Like Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, those four people represented the four seasons of her life, and Kitty wondered who would be next to own her heart.

They were all still in it. She had never stopped loving any of them, even if she had dated others and moved on from them all. She'd had to move on from them, although she'd not wanted to. Just as the years kept turning, she'd had to move on in order to survive. She'd wanted to stay, stuck in the past and reveling in her memories of the times she'd shared with them, but the world wouldn't let her. None of the seasons got a chance to stay, and she never had long to linger in the past for there was always a new life to rescue or the world to save or, and too often times, both.

The afternoon sunlight glinted on red hair, and Kitty watched as Rachel passed by her. She said she wasn't the same Rachel she'd known before. She'd told her she didn't have any memories of her in this time. She didn't remember the adventures they'd shared, the friendship they'd made, or the love they'd found with one another. She didn't remember how she'd broken Kitty's heart when she'd gone back into the time frame so that Brian could return to this time, how she'd abandoned her and their love so that Brian could have Meggan and their love could live.

She should've hated her for that. She should've hated Brian for making her leave and Meggan for pleading with her so greatly that Rachel had been unable not to do what she'd felt to be the right thing. She should have hated them all for breaking her heart, but she couldn't, not then or now. She understood too well where Brian and Meggan had come from, their willingness to do anything to preserve their love, because she felt the same.

If she could go back to any one time in her life where she had loved and been loved, she would gladly, but to whence would she return? To whose arms? Who had loved her the most? Who had she loved the most? She remembered holding and loving each of them as though their romances had just ended the day before.

Her brown eyes lifted to the skies where she could see Ororo beginning to control the leaves and pull them together. She remembered dancing in the wind with her. She had been the first to make her feel like a true woman, but Piotr had been the first person whom she'd loved romantically. Her eyes drifted to him. She was glad he was visiting the school, even if for just a little while.

She was still watching the handsome Russian trying to capture the beauty of the setting sun on canvas when a gentle weight touched down on her shoulders. She leaned her head against the dragon's without even having to look to see it was him. She turned her cheek and pressed her lips to his purple, leathery wing.

For years, he had been the only one not to leave her. He had been the only steady presence in her life. Even when she'd thought all of her friends and family were dead, he had been there, always there, always beside her, there for her, and loving her. Kitty remembered, with a grin, the story Illyana had once told about them. Had they been the same species, a love stronger than any of the other four great ones Kitty had known might surely have developed between them, but as it was, such was only a fond fantasy.

Still, he'd been there for her, and she was thankful for his presence, his constant companionship and comfort. He had helped her to pull the pieces of her heart back together after each time they had been ripped apart. He had been as constant as the sun or moon in her life, had licked many of her tears away, and had held her, as best he could with his small body, when she'd allowed no one else near. She turned her head closer into his wings now as she wondered if he, like every one else, would leave her again.

Lockheed cooed softly. His tail swished. His wings gathered more closely around his best friend's crying face. He gazed down at her, and he made his decision. He wouldn't leave her ever again. Kitty had hurt too much in her young life, and it pained him to think that he had ever added to that pain. His tail lightly thumped her shoulder.

SHIELD might come for him again. There were others, too, who might seek his aid. But he would never go. He would never leave her again. He was where he belonged, and no matter what happened, who came or went, he would never again abandon or otherwise hurt his Kitty.

The outside world would just have to keep on spinning without him, or stop entirely if it came to that, but he wasn't leaving Kitty. It was too important that her world keep spinning, and he'd make sure it always did. He licked the salty tears from her face, cooed softly again, and then pressed his beak to her cheek in the closest way he'd ever have to kissing his life mate.

The End

#2 four seasons, x-men

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