Title: Last Present
Chapters: 2/2
Author: rukippe_yuu
Beta: Unbeta-ed
Genre: Drama,Angst?
Pairing: Uruha/Aoi (onesided), Aoi/OC
Rating: PG
Warning: Character's death
Disclaimer: I only own the fic and the OC,but not The GazettE ;___;
Synopsis: It was already too late. Just too late for someone to get home. 3:17 in the morning. But there he was, driving through the road. It looked as if he was high or drunk but still driving down the bay area. It was not the right road where he should use to get home. It was not the way home. Then sure he was drunk.
He closed his eyes. It was too painful. “I’m sorry,” he cried. chapter 1 comments are always pleasures!!! ^o^