Sexy Strat Man: An Ian Crawford Free-For-All Fic Fest

Jul 03, 2011 17:13

  1. Commment with prompts, requests, ideas, pictures, or vague dream-memories!
  2. Fill other people's prompts! Or just post whatever the heck you want, unprompted!
  3. All fics must have Ian as a central character. Obviously. Anything goes, otherwise: AUs, crossovers, the crackiest crack, whatever!
  4. Other forms of media are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Art, manips, fanmixes, recs, vids, picspams, interpretive dance.
  5. This fest is being simulcast on Dreamwidth and Livejournal. Feel free to play in either or both!
  6. Have fun and spread the love!

(prompt list covers prompts from both DW and LJ)
unfilled prompts | fills


character:ian crawford, fic fest

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