[OT from cottage renovations]
anybody can take pictures when there's light, but when it runs out sometimes things just get more interesting.
(click through these thumbnails for higher resolution images)
Rockville station
it's almost time for the westbound passenger train when an eastbound freight rolls through the station.
shadow patterns
spray paint vandalism seems to afflict more freight cars than not these days.
at first glance that might seem to be what's going on with these trilevel auto racks but (you might need to click through to the larger image to make it out clearly) the dark markings are actually the shadows of evergreens and lamp posts, cast by lights in the station's parking lot.
Woodward Park
the Moon had come up above the clouds and behind this sycamore tree.
moonlit sycamore
this view is from further along Grove Road with camera braced against one of the tennis court's fence posts.
I couldn't decide which one was the keeper so sorry, you have to look at both of these.
clouded Moon