[OT from cottage renovations]
the sun came out and with a light breeze things started to get just a bit less soggy.
extended puttering, more of a mental health measure than anything else, kept me from getting out until the light was somewhat more faded than usual.
(click through these thumbnails for higher resolution images)
the Circle, at 2nd Avenue
these leaves aren't going to last a great deal longer but they are catching the light and emitting a soft glow that this image doesn't adequately convey.
Asimina triloba
Grove Road
I'm starting to wonder whether these blossoms have decided to go to a year-round schedule.
morning glory
is it just me, or don't these two look like hummingbirds?
they also resemble
an exotic species of fish or
a certain aircraft.
October is apple season around here.
these are great deal smaller (not to mention less edible to our species) than most but they are participating in full.
Malus coronaria
this redbud's leaves were following the example of the paw paw up on the Circle.
Cercis canadensis
across the way, looking up one sees an intricate tracery of delicate details with soft lighting and colours high above as a background.
Chestnut Avenue
with its jester's crown it's hard to take this rose hip seriously.
like the morning glory blossoms above it is also
strongly evocative.
rose hip