Title: A Silly Love
Pairing: KyuMin
Rating: PG13
*Fluff, Humor, Romance, Oneshot
Oneshot - Silly Love )
Title: When…
Pairing: JongTae (Jonghyun/Taemin)
Rating: PG
*AU, Romance, Fluff, Oneshot
Oneshot - When... )
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the 2 little oneshots! \^^/ it’s been a while since I wrote KyuMin haha hope I still have the touch rofl. And my new fandom!! Shinee!! I still don’t know what pairing I love the most, but I just love Taemin the most… and I think I’ve watched one too many JongTae/HyunMin fancams lol Updates on my HyunMin/JongTae chaptered fic will come soon! I just have been caught up in something this past week >.>;; (Something called “Baker King, Kim Tak Goo” I love Yoon SiYoon <3)