Recap on the Weekend.

Apr 07, 2009 18:28

Went on YNZC tramp last weekend. This is what my bad memory can remember :

Amy was my tent buddy, or "partner" as she called me. She so vairvair British. It's funny. Everything's new to her. Like, being able to see the Milky Way. And mountains. Btw, poke means something different in England. XD It's not dirty over there.
I kept on saying Lol instead of laughing. It's PISSING ME OFF!.
Friday night we played Spotlight. So much fun, hiding behind blades of grass and tents.
Then on Saturday. we had bridge traverse. 'Twas scary, but fun.
Sunday waas a huge day. We had a competition using prior knowlege, building biviwacks, team bulding, cooking, river crossing, map reading, etc. Then we tube rafted down the river. Going down rapids on bum = pain and bruises.
I'm suprised I didn't get sick, as
1 I drank straight from the river
2 I didn't heat my rice properly
3 I ate lots of condensed milk.
Laura Chevalier (Yr 10) keeps on looking @ me. Her sister's bi (indrid), maybe she is?? She's not too bad :)

So all in all, a pretty fab weekend.


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