Okay, in this post will be noted all the involvements the Italies will have with this year April 1st event.
Let's start with the pic on the index page, the one that have ChibiVeneziano dressed as a Bersagliere. Due to the allies being replaced by Spain, France and England dressed in... unconventional clothes, the pic of the Axis had been slightly altered so that Veneziano now has a question mark next to his head (Germany and Japan looks decidedly shocked/embarassed/worried).
The Veneziano & Rome pic has been replaced by a nurse England & naked France one. Although this one is fun I'm going to miss the Rome & Veneziano one...
In a strip Romano is tricked into posing with Spain for a picture... in which they look like tomato countries...
In a strip there's Veneziano happily talking with Germany about how he received an embarassing picture while Germany tells him not to show it around and Romano and Spain sitting somewhere, with lot of animals, an alien and a weird creature around them. Spain, who's undressed, seems to feel fine but Romano's worrid he'll catch a cold.
In a requested pic there's SheepVeneziano with SheepGermany and SheepJapan.
To warn fans about when will be the nexupdate Himaruya-san used a pic of Veneziano
Seborga's head shows up in a strip next to a sign saying Germany (is he going there?)... though his curl is on the right instead than on the left.
The strips about the event are available here.
The art requests about the event are available hre.