June Update

Jul 06, 2006 23:25

The following have been added to Traditional Themed Communities Database:
kingdom_xiii | 13 | 3 | Kingdom Hearts | Write on 13 themes
narnia100 | 50/100 | 8 | Chronicles of Narnia | Write on 50 or 100 themes
footballslash11 | 11 | 1 | Football - Slash | Write on 11 themes | RPF
25fluffyfics | 25 | 1 | All | 18+. Write on 25 themes | RPF | OC
racing_fantasy | 25 | 5 | Motorsport RPF | Write on 25 themes | RPF
caritas50 | 50 | 1 | Angel the Series | Write 50 songfics
25_crimes | 25 | 4 | Law & Order | Write on 25 themes
drabbles100_de | 100 | 6 | All | German. Write on 100 themes | OC
femslash50 | 50 | 1 | All | Write femslash on 50 themes | OC
100hp_fics | 100 | 1 | Harry Potter | Write on 100 themes
digitalart100 | 50/100 | 1 | All | Make 50 or 100 digital art pieces | RPF
music50 | 50 | 1 | All | Make music on 50 themes | NC
fanmade25 | 25 | 2 | All | Write a fic, draw a pic, and suggest music on 25 themes | OC
shikon100 | 100 | 1 | Inuyasha | Write on 100 themes | NC | 300th
30_gens | 30 | 1 | All | Write on 30 themes | RPF | OC
30randomkisses | 30 | 1 | All | Write 30 kisses | OC
100_situations | 30 | 1 | All | Write 100 situations | RPF | OC
x_men100 | 50 | 3 | X-Men | Write on 50 themes
10_hurt_comfort | 10 | 1 | All | Write hurt/comfort on 10 themes
25_foods | 25 | 5 | All | Write on 25 themes (foods) | OC
old_switcheroo | 0 | 0 | All | Switch characters' role in a series
30_lyrics | 30 | 1 | All | Write on 30 songs | OC
10_hiddenrealms | 10 | 3 | All | Arite 10 AU fics | RPF
100scents | 100 | 3 | All | Write on 100 themes (brand-name fragrances)
os_challenge | 0 | 0| Original | Write 100,000 words using monthly challenges | OC
fruityfic100 | 100 | 1 | Fruits Basket | Write on 100 themes
78_tarot | 78 | 1 | All | Write on 78 themes (tarot meanings) | RPF | OC
7_sins_virtues | 7 | 3 | All | Write yaoi/slash on 7 themes | 200th (TTC)
100moods_nl | 100 | 1 | All | Dutch. Write on 100 themes | RPF | OC
30_anthems | 30 | 3 | All | Write on 30 songs
3measures | 9 | 1 | All | Write on 9 themes | RPF
20_1sttimes | 20 | 2 | All | Write 20 1st times
• name | themes | sets | fandom | short descrip - full description in database

The following have been added to Weekly Challenge Communities Database:
narniadrabble | The Chronicles of Narnia | ??? | Write on weekly topic
utenadrabble | Revolutionary Girl Utena | ??? | Write on weekly topic
mythosdrabble | Mythology | Tuesday? | Write on weekly topic
conviction100 | Conviction | Tuesday | Write on weekly topic
write_up100 | Law & Order: SVU - Elliot Stabler | Friday? | Write on weekly topic
x_men100 | X-Men | Tuesday | Write on weekly topic
blackcest100 | HP: Black family | Friday | Write on weekly topic
bella_100 | HP: Bellatrix Black-Lestrange | Friday | Write on monthly topic
forgottenhp100 | HP: "Forgotten" characters | Friday | Write on weekly topic
i_luv_sirius_ | All | Monthly | Write on monthly topic
unchasephantasy | All | Monthly | 17+. Write erotica on montly topic
dw100 | Doctor Who | Saturday | Write on weekly topic
btvsats_love | Buffy, Angel, Firefly | Sunday | Write on weekly topic(s)
hpchar100 | HP: General | Sunday | Write on weekly topic
tammy_drabbles | Tamora Pierce | Friday | Write on weekly topic
quidditch100 | HP: Quidditch | Friday | Write on weekly topic
ravenclaw100 | HP: Ravenclaws | Friday | Write on weekly topic
narcissa100 | HP: Narcissa Malfoy | Monday | Write on weekly topic
pansy100 | HP: Pansy Parkinson | Monday | Write on weekly topic
harrypansy100 | HP: Harry/Pansy | Monday | Write on weekly topic
thursday100plus | Law & Order | Thursday | Write on weekly topic
breakingalice | "Wonder stories" | Saturday | Write on weekly topic
• name | fandom | issued | short descrip - full description in database

The following have been removed:
X 20_nintendo
X 100sentences
X snarry_drabbles

This brings our total to 334 comms archived with 204 TTC and 131 WCC.
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