Link Round Up Days 9-12

Feb 14, 2013 20:48

Since 2006, 14 Valentines has striven to both celebrate how far women have come, and to increase awareness for how far we still have to go for full equality, autonomy, and inclusion.



Title: Spectrum
Author: arsenicjade
Fandom/Character: Skyfall (2012)/Eve Moneypenny
Rating: G
Summary:People say Eve slept her way to where she is.

Can be found on- LJ, DW, My Site, and AO3

Title: Penny Candy
Author: arsenicjade
Fandom/Character: HG/Katniss Everdeen
Rating: G
Summary: There’s a fine line between having enough and too much.

Can be found on- LJ, DW, My Site, and AO3

Title: No Comment
Author: arsenicjade
Fandom/Character: Avengers/Natasha
Rating: G
Summary: Media, marks, what’s the difference?

Notes: Thanks to harborshore for giving me the idea that sparked this.

Can be found on- LJ, DW, My Site, and AO3.

Title: Pro Bono Publico
Author: arsenicjade
Fandom/Character: Suits/Donna
Rating: G
Summary: Donna needs a favor for a friend.

Can be found on- LJ, DW, My Site, AO3

Title: Lifer
Author: arsenicjade
Fandom/Character: Avengers (MCU)/Maria Hill
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Maria prefers GI Joes to Barbies.

Warnings: Reference to sexual assault.

Notes: I realize this does not match with Hill’s comic-verse background.

Can be found on- LJ, DW, My Site, and AO3

Topical Content

Daybreak777 linked to the comm vchamber at their journal. It's a comm dedicated to fanworks about women of color.

Daybreak777 posted an excerpt from the book, Bastard out of Carolina here.

Daybreak777 posted a bit about Lara Logan here.

Daybreak777 recced/mini-reviewed TransAmerica here.

round up

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