[Day 9] Athletics

Feb 09, 2009 23:49

Fixation by lavvyan [PG13; SGA; John/Rodney; John didn't have anything against huddling up, per se. It was just that his team seemed determined to make him huddle up to Rodney.]
The International Society of Serving Men by miriel [PG; Avengers (Marvel), Batman (DC), Torchwood, Tomb Raider, and Due South; In his own defense, Tony had never really thought about Jarvis' social life...]
Introduced As Friends, Part 4 by rebecca-star [Not Rated; Bandom (TAI...); Girl!Sisky/Butcher; Part 4 in this universe.]
Desert Heat by macey-muse [Not Rated; Temeraire; 'Laurence had never heard of such a force in modern warfare; it was the stuff of the Crusades, when dragons had been smaller and the country more wild, the more easily to feed them.']
Obsticle of Course by arsenicjade [G; SG-1; Sam Carter]
About a Girl by vipersweb [PG; SGA/Torchwood; Tosh/Teyla, implied Jack/Ianto; After Enemy at the Gate, Teyla takes advantage of downtime, to visit Cardiff, and Tosh. John tags along, to help watch Torran.]

Wallpaper by lady-writes [My mother was a runner in high school in Nigeria]

15 Icons by to-say-nothing [Multi-fandom icons ; "You Say Bitch Like It's a Bad Thing"]
32 Icons by bunnymcfoo [icons of women and sports, heavy on the surfing]

Fic Recs by sansets [8 Bandom Lyn-Z-centric Fic Recs]

An essay on the baton corps I matured in, and the (rather scary) normative behaviors that our director enforced in regards to sexuality. by killing-rose
Pic spam of my favorite female athletes by secretsolitaire

the gap between 54th and 9th by memories-child [PG; a poem]
Cat Mittens by an-kayoh [14 knits for 14 days - mittens.]
Soup Recipe by nokiaangel [Easily Customized Veggie Soup]
Red Heart Thrummed Mittens (AKA Emo/Hipster-tastic mittens) by prairiedaun [red and black thrummed mittens]

2009, round up, day 9, athletics

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