[Day 2] Transgender Issues

Feb 02, 2009 23:37

The End of the World as We Know It by lavvyan [G; SGA; John Sheppard lived in a small house by the end of the world, which is just a few miles to the south of the left end of the rainbow. It was a solitary life, the house surrounded by nothing but long grass and wild flowers and a few trees in the distance… and, of course, the sheer cliff dropping straight down into infinity about fifteen feet from the back door.]
Four Times Torchwood Discovers Ianto's an Immortal, and One Time They Don't by vipersweb [R; Torchwood/Highlander; Four times Torchwood-Three discovers Ianto's an Immortal, and one time they don't]
Sea Creature by arsenicjade [R; PotC:CotBP; Annamaria; The first time Jack slept with her, he thought he was seducing a boy.]
Introduced As Friends, Part 1 by rebecca-star [G; Bandom (TAI...); This is the first in a 5 part fic where Adam T Siska is female not male, and it tells the story of her history with TAI, starting here with William]
Somewhere Between Plato and Disney by allyndra [PG13; High School Musical/Stargate: Atlantis; Chad/Ryan (McKay/Sheppard, Kelsi/Laura Cadman); Atlantis was dangerous and far away, but Chad couldn't wait to go. He expected to love it, but he didn't expect it to become home.]
Like Snowflakes Wiping Out The Noon by memories-child [PG; Original Fic; She travels the seasons, remembering.]
Your own blood and bones. by sinsense [R; Bandom (the Used); Bert/Quinn; Bert can't stop writing, and Quinn can't bear the sight of his own hands.]
once in a lifetime by belladonnalin [PG13; Bandom (MCR & MSI); Gerard/Lindsey/Jamia; Lindsey always thought that she was going to be a rock star. So it was more than a little weird the day that she passed the bar. After all: who ever heard of a rock star lawyer?]
What Pronoun Do You Prefer? by gemmi999 [PG13; Bandom (MCR); Gen; It was a well known fact that Gerard preferred to shower as little as possible while on tour.]
at best, only light and momentary by beingothrwrldly [PG; Bandom (PatD); Jon/Ryan; Jon the tech meets Ryan and falls in loveee.]
Not Made of Things Which Do Appear, Part 1/2 by pocky-slash [PG; The West Wing; Sam/Will; The people in Sam and Will's lives watch them try and put the pieces back together after Will is shot.]
Gravity by misslucyjane [Adult; Torchwood/Stargate: Atlantis; Jack Harkness/Rodney McKay; “I can’t resist a physicist in his prime.”]
Wind His Branches Round by lesasoja [R; Bandom (MCR & FOB); Mikey/OFC; "Mikey," Gerard said in his ear as they were leaving the stage, "hey, Mikey, I think you have a fan."]
For the Best by miriel [PG; Supernatural; Dean had known going in that it wasn't going to be easy, that it was going to hurt. Doing the right thing always did.]
Kùaxìng by amand-r [NC17; Firefly; Inara-centric; There are flounces and silk and a few ties and buttons. There are necklaces and flowers in hair. There are a few more stolen kisses, anywhere but on the mouth, really, Xian-li's hands, her shoulder, the innocuous clavicle, the bend of the elbow, and then finally, when they are powdered and gleaming and their every movement produces the rustle of taffeta and the low groan sound of tight fabric being forced to move with their every breath, Inara offers Xian-li her hand, and they step from the shuttle to the darkness, where the private courier is waiting to take them to the hotel.]

10 icons by raz0rgirl [BtVS/Angel icons, Cordelia and Oz]
32 icons by bunnymcfoo [icons of signs and writing on the wall]

Fic Recs by monroe-nell [3 fic recs, multi-fandom]
Web Comic Recs by slob-child [4 web comics dealing with transgender issues]
Book Recs by sansets [5 books about transgender issues]
Fic Rec & Playlist by lady-writes [1 fic rec (bandom) and 1 playlist]
Book Recs by secretsolitaire [2 books dealing with gender issues]
Book Recs by kimberlyfdr [13 book recs dealing with transgender issues]

Delicious vanilla pancakes by prairiedaun [family recipe]
on the nature of godhead, abandoned. by macey-muse [original poetry]
Quilts and Foliage by an-kayoh [14 knits for 14 days - hats]

2009, roundup, transgender issues, day 2

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