The Trees on Memory Lane by
lavvyan [PG; SGA, John/Rodney, John Sheppard was doing fine.
Most Important Meal of the Day by
lyl_devil [PG; M7/Alias, Someone had sold him out. He would find them, and make them regret ever betraying him.]
Thin Thread Left by
blueflamingo [NC-17; SGA/SG-1, John/Cam, Lorne/Ronon, People talk about this as a victory, but to John it feels like defeat; the end of their first decade in the city (Warning: character death)]
Gird Thou Thy Sword by
watersword [PG-13; Pirates of the Caribbean, 10,500 words]
Not a Pretty Girl - The New Apartment by
idyll [PG-13; Bandom (MCR), girl!bob, Sometimes Gerard doesn't like going directly back home after a tour.
7 McShep Fusions I'm Not Writing by
seikaitsukimizu [PG-13; SGA, John/Rodney, “Rodney accidentally exposes himself and his friends to Lorentzian radiation with...unexpected results.”]
Who's Left and Who's Leaving by
pocky_slash [PG; TWW, I'm trying not to wonder where you are.]
20 Icons by
domtheknight [20 icons on work]
15 Icons by
hermitsoul [15 icons: reading, writing, math]
Wallpaper by
plsteward [we're making progress]
To Be A Man collage by
lilliebelle2007 RECS
Fic Recs by
incidental_fire [13 SGA high school/college AU recs]
Fic Recs by
kyuuketsukirui [7 female-centric Yuletide recs]
Podfic - Bandages, Chapter 1 read by
pineapplechild, written by
konitsu [Final Fantasy VII/I]
Monkey Socks by
an_kayoh [Fourteen knits for fourteen days]
The King of Cups, The Knight of Wands by
neo_star0114 [Two tarot cards and two fanfic recs]