[Day 3] Health Roundup

Feb 03, 2008 22:36

Post-Nuptial by rageprufrock [NC-17; SGA; “What the fuck, McKay!” John yelled. “I can’t take you anywhere!”]
Nothing is Different (But Everything's Changed) by pocky-slash [PG; SGA; Teyla evolves]
Logopetria by lavvyan [G; SGA; John watched in horrified fascination as Rodney literally choked on his words, strangely-shaped objects spilling from his mouth in utter silence except for his coughing and ragged breath.]
Getting to Know You by bluflamingo [PG; SGA; Pretty much since they met, their friendship has a lot of lying for each other to hospital personnel and roughly the same amount of watching each other’s backs off world.]
Healthy and Happy by v-angelique [G; LoTRIPS; Gen; Cate & Miranda]
Lost in Waiting by misslucyjane [PG; Torchwood; Ianto/Jack; Four times Jack and Ianto didn’t go on a date, and one time they did]
i see the girls are out, a lot of freaks in the house, 1/2 by belladonnalin [R; Bandom (MCR & MSI); Lyn-z/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey, Lyn-z/Jamia, Gerard/Frank; At college, Lyn-z finds a place, a name, a whole person. She finds a life]
Not a Pretty Girl - Home with Bob by idyll [PG; MCR; girl!Bob; The guys are nervous about meeting Bob's mother]

21 Icons by domtheknight [health themed]
6 Icons & 1 Banner by subliminal-muse [think pink!]
96 Icons by bunnymcfoo [featuring Panic at the Disco]

Wallpaper by plsteward [inside under the skin we all are the same, but not really]
The Emperor; The Heirophant by neo-star0114 [Multi-fannish Tarot Deck + 1 Due South & 1 SG-1 Rec]

Fic Recs by kyuuketsukirui [Multi-fandom master list of fics about transgender and intersex people]
Fic Recs by incidental-fire [32 short Stargate Atlantis humor fics]
Icon Recs by watersword [Recs of icon posts]

Jayne Cobb Hat by an-kayoh [14 knits for 14 days]
Mixtape by ghostrunner7 [songs depicting women as In charge, On top, and Knowing what they want]
Female voices: Pippi Longstocking by siljamus
water, water, everywhere, so let's all have a drink by stubbleglitter [Bottled water, and why its evils go beyond just recycling]
World Enough, and Time by hyperfocused [Poetry; in honor of my amazing sister in-law]
Georgina Beyer: world's first transsexual mayor, world's first transsexual Member of Parliament by arysteia [Stripper, Prostitute, Transexual, Mayor, Member of Parliament, Mana Wahine (Woman of Respect)]

roundup, day 3

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