(no subject)

Jun 13, 2004 14:56

090909900909090909 090909090909090 909090 9090909090909090000 9090909090090 999999999999999999909 00909000 0009009090009 09099009090CH9090909090909090909090909090 9090909090909000090909090 9009090990090909 0909090 909090909090909090909090909090909000 090909090 900909099009090909 0909090909090909090 90909090909090909090000909 0909 090 09 0 90990090909AN090 9090909 090909090909 9090909 0909090909 00009 0909090900909099 0090909 09090 909 0909090 909090909090909090909 090900009 0909 09090090909900909090 909090909 09090909090909090 909090000909090909 0090909 9009090909090909090909090909 090909090909090909 09000090 90909090 090909900909090 9090909090909090909 0GE0909 0909 0909090 9090000 909090 909009090 99009090909 09090909 0909090909 09090909090 9 09090909 0909090 9090909090 9090?!9090909000 0909090909009090990090 90909090909 0909090909 090909090 909090909090900009090909 0900909099009 0909090909090909 09090909090 9 0909090909090 909000090 909 09 0 90

i love everyone.

editand by "everyone", i meant.. everyone.
yeah, even you.

hating people requires a lot of energy,
and i can't even run a mile straight.
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