I gave a talk!

Jul 08, 2007 15:09

Dad said it was really good and he even learned something!!!

Here it is:

Talk on My Favorite Article of Faith

Good morning brothers and sisters, my name is Elizabeth Huffaker. I was asked to give a talk on my favorite article of faith.
The biggest problem I faced is that I didn’t know which article to pick. I didn’t really have a favorite one. I contemplated doing article number fourteen, “We believe in all of the above.” But that didn’t work out.
I really wasn’t sure what it was the articles of Faith said. So I enlisted a friend of mine to help me look through them and choose a good one. We decided on number nine.
Number nine says “We believe all that God has arevealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet breveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” This would be perfect for a nice, structured essay. It has three parts to it for three body paragraphs. This is kind of like the plan that God has revealed. The “plan” was revealed in a revelation to Joseph Smith. It had an opening paragraph, the prexistance; a middle, now; and a conclusion, what happens after we die. Very clear, deceptively simple.
Anyone who has written a good essay knows that the structure is only the beginning. Through revelation “God has revealed” we’ve been given the directions we need to start off. Clear, concise instructions on what we need to do to create the essay that is our lives. But we have all the choices on what words to use and what tone it will take.
To write an “A” essay, you usually need continual direction as you go along. Questions arise that weren’t answered at the beginning. Sometimes the directions weren’t clear and you’re confused. We get to what “He does now reveal.” Circumstances may arise that make the teacher change the directions, or add more that you need to do to get that A. The standards for the top mark can get stricter as you work on it. The choices get harder. We have to believe that more directions “will yet be revealed” to help us as we continue to go along. He will answer our questions when we get stuck, and a lot of times before we do.
God reveals things in many ways, whether through the prophet, the Holy Ghost, or the scriptures. Whether by His “own voice or the voice of his servants, it is the same.”
I know that the revelation we have received are true and those we will, will be too. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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