Interlude 4 | Informative Update

Jun 10, 2010 16:33

In lieu of 1903!verse's new update, a few things have changed for the 14th.

| Was under the watch of Howard Link for a few days before the whole fiasco with Lavi's eye.
| He is no longer cemented to just one side. Now more than ever, he swings between them by siding mostly with the Earl, but also helping Exorcists at his own discretion. Sure, the Earl will probably be pissed, but he doesn't really care.
| He's sick and tired of pretending to be 'fine', so he's letting it go. Fourteenth is not insane, he does not ramble on and on about random things. He's just very very crazy and psychotic.
| For now, he'll be wearing Tyki's long flowy version of the new Noah outfit, but with Cyril's sleeves (or just two long sleeves).
| Neck scar as well as the one on his arm, originally from paralysie, is still there. He calls them Mugen's love marks. 8)
| He considers himself to (falsely) be on the Earl's side, and will be staying in the Noah's wing now, unless you manage to convince him to live elsewhere.
| He killed Leverrier just before re-arriving at the DR.
| He (I, mun, etc etc) has more planned than what is already going on in the update, but he won't tell anyone. Reading his mind will also prove futile, as there's way too much stuff jumbled up in his head to make sense of anything. It's there, though, so if you sit really really still and concentrate really really hard, you should be able to find it~
| Tease and Timcanpy have been remodified just a bit so they won't squick at the sight of Noahs, but they would still prefer to be with either Fourteenth or Exorcists.

Details may be added.
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