(no subject)

Aug 07, 2004 14:49

Mmkay, well, now i shall tell you about my adventurous time in Orange County for about 5 days

Sunday: I drove down to OC with my mom when she came to pick me up at around 3:00. It was a good fast drive so that was good. When I got down there she dropped me offa t my friend Frankie's house and we walked around his coimplex for a bit, then went to the basketball courts and messed around. Hhaha, we found a du-rag, like the things black people wear, and turned it into a sling and we made a new game called "sling-ball" and it was fun. Then we went back to my mom's house and met up with my other best friend Collin and we had a barbeque. They both slept over that night and it was fun.

Monday: It's hard for me to remember what exactly i did this day...oh wait, i just remembered lol. Me, Frankie, and COllin got up at like 1:00 so my sister drove us to Chili's and we ate and then saw NApolean Dynomite. Omg, funniest movie EVER!..."you could draw her picture or somsing" hahahahaha. Anyway, Collin got picked up at the movies and me and Frankie walked back to his house and we were both really tired so we fell asleep, but then my mom called and woke us up and i had to go. The rest of the night was boring sincei i was tired.

Tuesday: Slept late and I had to stay home and babysit my little sister which was DEATHLY boring. Nobody could come and pick me up or take me anywhere so i was stuck there till about 4 or 5 doing nothing. My mom came back and we went to go rent a movie. We got 50 First Dates, cuz i've never seen it and i thought it was pretty good, and Beverly Hills Ninja: a Chris Farley classic. Anyway, that was the night and i talked to some of my friends till bout 2 or something then went to sleep.

Wednesday: I was going to hang out with Audrey and Katie but they were too far and it got too late and it just wasnt going to work out. And Collin invited me and Frankie to sleep over at his house so i was like "Hells ya!" so i grabbed my stuff and Frankie picked me up and we drove over. I actually had a really good time, which rarely happens at Collin's house because he never makes a bed for any of his guests and they usualyl just get the floor and end up wandering around the house looking for a blanket. Anyway, when we got there we just hung out for a bit, then we went to his pool at about 9:30-10. We stayed until about 12:00 and it was so funny, cuz we went in the baby pool and we wrestling and stuff, and the water was all pee-infested, so we kept on pushing each other's heads under the water, it was sick lol. Then we walked back up to collin's house wearing nothing but our towels...and collin's ballsack kept on hanging out from his since he kept on bending over and shit...I think he was doing it purposly, lol. We got home and we tried styling Frankie's hair into a mohawk, but it didnt really work. After Frankie fixed his hair we played Jenga for about an hour, lol that game is SOOO fun, then went to sleep (I made my OWN bed on the floor so it was all good).

Thursday: This was the day I was supposed to leave with my sister at like 9:00, so my mom took the day off and we went shopping!! WOOO!!! It was cool, cuz i got new pants, which i deperatly needed, and a new shirt which i think is really cool. Well, the shopping took up like half the day since my mom takes FOREVER to even know if she wants to buy something, then if she knows she wants to, she has to try it on, in like 4 different colors...oh god its hell... So we get back home and we play cards for a while since we dont have anything to do. Then I go have a driving lesson (which i think i did EXCELLENT on :D) and then i went to visit with my ex-ex-girlfriend Catie, which was cool since I havent seen her in a long time. Got back home and Little Nicky was on FOX so i finished watching that and my sister came and we drove back up.

But yah, it's good to be back home and GALLONS of love to you all!

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