Feb 06, 2004 21:52
lately i have been noticing that a lot of people i consider as my friends dont consider me as one of theirs.. kinda ?questions? my thoughts.. idk.. maybe i need to re-think some things-- all i kno is that the friends that actually aknowledge me as one of their friends are the BEST in the world and i really can not thank you enough..
i ACTUALLY acomplished something at dance tonight!!! i hit 5 turns WITH technique! ahahhahaha so what they werent in posé.. they were still in coupé!
back on the friend subject.. idk i try so hard to make people happy but they kinda just blow me off.. :-/ i dont get it.. i dont really know what else to do about it all.. thats just me?! i dont even know what to say.. ppl just say how they dont like things here in fl or in rockledge they complain about how no one likes them- and hows that supposed to make the people that actually do care about you feel?! so much drama im over it
lemme know when im cool enough to be your friend again.
GuEsS whO'S rIdInG tHe bUs HoMe!! lmao
chelsea's back at dance! and i missed her so! lol..
after school i went to taco bell with alyssa- the people kno her there its GRAND.. then we had tap and then she came over for a little bit and then we went and saw the beat and they pulled a JaNeT jAcKsOn! they were swing dancing in dresses and two girls dresses came up and it was soo effin gross! and the dresses went ALL the way up.. DaYuM.. called bloomers hunnies.. JuSt KiDDiNg .. :-X
tomorrow should be an okay day.. have dance in the afternoon then im going to play paint ball hopefully, and then to the movies or somethin with nick n whoeva.. and then i MIGHT have people over.. depends if people would actually come..
im going to shut up now.. so here are my thanks'ssssss to those who actually show they are mah bffls and close friends..
KiM, aLySSa, LeNNie, CiVeL, KaRa, StAsY, nIkkI, HoLLie, ErIn, bRaNdI, DiRRtY j, KayLa and theres a couple more.. i love you guys!
oxo <3 lates