Apr 08, 2009 12:24
"And this is his 'kiss my ass' song"
"So all of this is a grand example of BS....this is the one place where you can be a windbag and get paid for it." - On being a Literary Critic
"We think of grocers as people that put out the fruit, sell you the fruit, or tell you the story of the fruit....That's right, tell you the story of the fruit. I sometimes hear myself say bizzare things."
"What's the matter man? Are you stoned or stupid or what?"
"It's like you're living in 1999 and love Cheers. You have to get with the program."
"I'm a guy with a sword. I don't do anything else, so give me something to whack with it."
"And some of my colleagues would say 'my god, why are you doing all of this 60's theory' " - On why he analyzed Knight of the Burning Pestle from a Structuralist perspective.
"We all want to be MacBeth or Hamlet, but sometimes you're the guy that gets stabbed in Act 1."
"God wrote it, God watched it....and yep, God stage managed it. God, god, god, that's all there is."