Aug 31, 2013 16:49
So long story short, Boss tried to con me into switching my schedule for tomorrow and Monday. Monday I'm supposed to get my glucose test for the baby, so I didn't really want to close, I wanted to open like I was scheduled. But silly Boss Man tried to con me into it, saying he is so tired and he never sees his kids. Don't get me wrong, I'm sympathetic, but the bottom line is, he is greedy. He has had numerous offers of other managers stepping into his store to work so he could have a day off, and he refuses them because he wants his "own". I get it. I would want my own managers too, but when 2 of them left you, and 1 is horrible, you don't have many options. He has a new one, P, in training, and now me. It will get better.
He has the mentality that this job is his life, but what I discovered through years of experience, is that not job is your life. It is what makes your life possible or comfortable, but it is not your life and never should be. There are far too many things in this world to experience. Don't get me wrong, I totally think people need to be more grateful of their jobs, and put forth the effort, but to ask someone to change their entire lives so that the only thing they have left is work, is far too much. If one chooses to make their work or career into something that destroys their lives, then that is their choice. At that point though, no one wants to hear the complaints.
With that being said, I won't ever make that my choice. My health and my child will always come before work, and if my current company can't understand that, then I will go to a different one. Simple as that. Well... not as simple as that, considering it's still difficult to get a job out there, but that is the way it needs to be.