May 07, 2006 17:26
I'm really frustrated with work right now. Grant and I's schedules can't ever seem to match up. I work in the AM, he works in the PM, and our days off are opposite.
I was in our bedroom last night getting ready to go to sleep and he came in to talk to me because he knew something was up...and I just started bawling. I told him I hated that I never get to hang out anymore and how I feel so mean always saying I have to go to sleep when he asks me to stay up with him.
He hugged me. For 15 silent minutes he hugged me.
He didn't have to say anything after that, but he did.
He told me it was ok and he understood and that I don't need to be upset because we have forever.
These words are completely insufficient, but,
I love him. I love him.