
Oct 19, 2015 13:09

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(OOC: label if it's OOC or IC please)

ooc, voicemail, ic

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ooc bennet_beheader December 22 2009, 06:34:14 UTC
Umm... I kinda noticed that you three (you, Namine, and Zoro) have a log in the dojo. The problem with being, well, Elizabeth lives there. And she's not going to be happy to return home and find people in her home. And she's a capable fighter and is likely to attack anyone she finds invading her home, and can canonically kill and decapitate highly-trained ninjas blindfolded. So, I think we have a problem.


ooc 3zensekai December 22 2009, 07:43:33 UTC
this sucks i am so bad at this. i'm sorry :U what shall we do? i mean, zoro obviously thinks it's a public place or at least a place where he's allowed to train (since he has NO idea that it's a home)... so u-um


(i was going to just reply in my actual voicemail, but since i was gonna msg roxas-mun anyway, thought i'd do it here)


Re: ooc bennet_beheader December 22 2009, 07:47:20 UTC


My initial plan was totally to crash the log, but Lae convinced me that working this out ahead of time would probably be the better idea.

The problem I'm seeing, is the, lol, warrior with high pride, and not necessarily known for keeping her head in anger. I mean... she wanted to gut someone for insulting her at a party.


Re: ooc 3zensekai December 22 2009, 07:48:45 UTC
that makes zoro a good opponent for her, then! but yes, i agree with lae, too. maybe it would be better if they maybe... let's say, met OUTSIDE the dojo, perhaps? Would that be better?


Re: ooc bennet_beheader December 22 2009, 07:51:29 UTC
Hmmm... If she saw them outside, she might actually invite them in... let's see what Roxas says. Namine pretty much just says "don't hurt me please"


3zensekai December 22 2009, 07:53:01 UTC
yeah, i just asked roxas-mun the same thing. all there is now is to wait, i guess! >>; s-sorry for all the confusion.


bennet_beheader December 22 2009, 07:56:04 UTC


ooc roadroller_voca December 22 2009, 13:30:43 UTC
I shall be editing it now /o/


Re: ooc bennet_beheader December 22 2009, 19:33:42 UTC
You mind if Elizabeth joins in the log when she comes back? Once she determines that there's no threat, she probably would invite them in to spar.


13thkey December 22 2009, 20:24:12 UTC
I don't mind at all so go for it xD


bennet_beheader December 22 2009, 20:25:35 UTC
On it! \o/

I'll track the post, and wait until there's a good spot for her to jump in.


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