Finally got the drivers re-installed for my printer, but apparently it still doesn't wanna do its job. I happened to have a spare color cartridge here, but what it really needs is black ink. Whee...time to go spend way too much money. :/ Why does ink have to be so damn expensive??
On a lighter note, got to visit a friend today who works in a used bookstore and she had a bag of books they couldn't use in the store to give to my daughter. It's still in the car, but I think Audrey and I will have fun digging through it.
Tomorrow is laundry day. Ugh...I hate doing laundry.
Also, waiting to get a couple books from the library (they were checked out or at other branches) on blogging for profit. Somehow I WILL turn my love of all things Asian (especially Japanese and Korean) into a money-making opportunity. Lol.
On a side note from that...Why the heck are Asian guys so darned pretty??
Gou Ayano and Oguri Shun being fine *Sigh* Anywho...