A First-Week Recap!

Jul 14, 2006 18:48

I can say with certainty, after my first week on the job, that I like DayStar a whole lot. They paid me yesterday!
Following is a summary of what I've been doing.

  • First day: read an inch-thick stack of research papers to ``fill my head with ideas''
  • Second day: Showered a glass square with selenium (a carcinogen) in a high vacuum (5.5E-5 torr). Recognized overshoot and oscillations as signs of poor process control. Grr.
  • Third day: Repeated Se deposition, tuning the PID parameters to achieve better control. It helped!
  • Fourth day (Monday): Learned to use an old profilometer to measure the film thickness... most people at the company don't like it, but it's a cute machine... more personality than the automatic one-button machine whose screen is perpetually broken. Suckers! The AS-100 takes some coaxing, but it gets the job done. Like HAL.
  • Rest of the week was spent with further tweaking of the PID parameters (went downhill, actually, but I think I've figured out the problem).
  • Today, I got to make my first plasma (a big glowing cloud of hot hot gas). Too cool!

Caring about the company helps. I know what DayStar is trying to make, and I'm happy to help them achieve it. I never gave a rat's ass about what Spectra was doing, I was just there for the paycheck. If I ever reach that point with DayStar, I'll have to bail forthwith, and move to AMD!

How was your week?
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