RE:CoM...english grades

Dec 08, 2008 05:36

Re:CoM in English

Larxene is pretty much totally okay - not superbly stellar, but appropriate. You'd have to actively try really hard to screw up her voice, though. Her voice actor's most notable role was for Arcia from Chaos Legion - which I did not much care for her work in. She's much better here.

Marluxia (and it is unfortunately "marLOOsha") is...interesting. I like his voice a lot for being absolutely neutral, but it isn't perfect for him. I'm glad he has a very obviously male voice, but he just isn't hardcore enough. I was hoping for creepy soft like Yazoo or creepy slow like Gaara. I also think his voice actor did better in the beginning scene being all poetic and mysterious and then just got really confused or distracted later on (was probably like..."why the hell do I have pink hair?" or something...)*if* we are to believe that Quinton is actually still responsible for this fellow, he must have forgotten what his Axel voice sounds like. Like...utterly and totally. Or something bizarre must happen in 358/2 Days that completely alters Axel's demeanor. Oh well...whatever. It's just Axel.
( & they did change "Commit it to memory" to the lamer english catch-phrase. XP The writing is so much more entertaining overall on the original GBA version. )

Zexion...the first thing I thought was that his actor speaks like Ryuu! And...then I looked him up on the cast list...and his most notable role is....Darien from SM. *gak* Ignoring that, I don't hate him at all! And considering he was going up against Akira Ishida, that is quite a feat. (Actually, it's kinda nice that Zexion is no longer *instantly* overwritten with Hakkai or Judeau in my brain.) speaking about Hojo, his voice actor's most notable role is Weiss from Dirge. XD Yeah, again, you have to go out of your way to miscast Lex. I have no problems here. He has a sexy gargoylesque rumble, as was to be expected.

And finally...Vexen did a fairly good job! (He thankfully sounds way cooler than his work as XS's Chaos but I still prefer his voice as Oswald.) Considering this could have potentially gone in horrible Hojo directions, his actor actually understood his character some. I don't want to chain him to the bed, but I also don't want to punch him, either. So hooray for absolutely *no* creepy pedophile vibes, but he could have upped the British-ness a notch, and increased the "no, I really -do- know everything" prissiness by a bit too. ("Demon. Hello.") So...doesn't make me melt into a puddle of glee, but also doesn't make me renounce my Vexen fetish.

For the lazy or those who hate card-based battle systems or those whose PS2's are broken =


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