Hello all. Questions I'd like to see answered in Episode 4.15 ..
- Did Starbuck make it to Doc Cottle with Sam in time to prevent sam croaking?
- Will Roslyn let the fleet know that Zareck assasinated the entire council with the exception of her and Lee?
- Is Roslyn going to continue her cancer treatments now?
- What happens to the Marines who followed Zareck's orders during Gaidagate?
- What _ if any_ sanctions / punishments will Adama take out on those ships who willingly followed Zareck's orders?
- Why do Balthars acolytes keep sleeping with him? I mean seriously he's just creeeepy.
- What will happen to those who switched sides halfway through?
- Will the multiple deaths be recognised in the population count for the next episode? Considering they are hte last of humanity, there are an awful amount of casulaties amoungst the fleet....
Do you have any questions to add?