Well, I figured that I should at least get used to posting once a week, I don't want to be totally silent after all. But I don't want to just make random posts that don't mean anything either, so I guess I'll just give out a little questionnaire! You don't have to answer the ones you don't want to answer, it's just a little getting to know you sort of thing.
[The following is a text post]
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Is there anyone from your home with you?
4. What day is your birthday? I don't need the year, or even the exact day if you don't want to give it. A month name is fine.
5. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they? If not, if you could have any pet in the world what pet would it be?
6. A little something for book club: What is your favorite book or book genre?
7. What is your favorite food?
8. How long have you been here?
9. What building do you live in right now?
10. And finally, what is your favorite color?
[Goes back to voice]
Just a little something to pass your time if you're bored.
Doctorina, I still have that door.