[Remember the last time a "good buddy" of Abels appeared in the Disco? Well
another one has shown up. Abel is sure to put his frequency in a direct link above his post before he starts]
This is Dietrich Von Lohengrin.
He is a suspected terrorist, another one from my world. [He's still not terribly sure about Cain, but there's definitely no helping Dietrich]
Various crimes mostly involve spying, conspiracy, attempts to attack the Vatican, attempted to destroy Istavan, attempts to kill the Empress of the True Human Empire and desecration of the dead. [And making Esther cry.]
He's highly dangerous. He will seem charming at first, but he's a very, very practiced liar. Please, for your own safety, don't believe what he says and do not get close to him.
He needs to be watched carefully. Even though he has his chip in, he's a highly intelligent man and should not be taken lightly under any circumstances.