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Feb 08, 2005 18:13

ah i fuckin hate this! yeah my dad just called me and started trying to blam our fight all on me and pissing me off and he is liek see your rasing you voice to me now..and i was just like because im madd at you and i dont want to talk to you and he was just trying to be like i hope you wont be mad at me soon..and i never get to fuckin hang out with Val iv like hung out with her once in like fuckin 2 months and i used to hang out with her every day and now i never do and im sick of my god damn parents and all this shit and beingtreated like shit..and my dad was liek you called me and started to yell at me and thats bull shit!!!! i called him to tell him my mum would pick us up and that Val was ganna be at her sisters house and he started to yell at me!HE THINKS I WONT FUCKIN BE PISSED OFF! THAT FUCKIN ASS HOLE!YEAH BULL SHIT!HE HAS NO COMMON SENCE AND HE WAS TRYING TO SAY I FLIP OUT ANY TIME SOMTHING DOSENT GO MY WAY..DUDE I BARLY TALK TO HIM..AND SO HOW WOULD HE KNOW THAT FUCKIN DRUNK NOW..ALL HE IS EVER DOING NOW IS DRINKING..I WISH I COULD FUCKIN DRIVE AND NEVER SEE HIM AND JUST MOVE OUT ON MY OWN AND GET MY OWN LIFE AND IM SICK OF IT..I WISH I WAS LIKE VAL AND HAD LIKE NO CONTACT WITH MY FATHER! THEN I WOULDENT HAVE TO DEAL WITH HIS BULLSHIT!IM HOLDING BACK TEARS OF HATRED RIGHT NOW AND TRYING TO TAKE THE FUCKIN RAZOR BLAD OUT OF MY MIND...AND NO ONE FUCKIN CALL ME AN EMO PUSSY SENCE IM NOT..YES IM EMO BUT NOT IN THE WAY..I HAVE A DEPPRESION PROBLEM BUT NO ONE SEES THAT..ALL PEOPLE EVER SEE IS THE FACK SMILE I PUT ON MY FACE TO GET THRU THE DAY..ONLY MY TRUE CLOSE FRIENDS CAN TELL WHEN SOMETHING IS WRONG!im sick of being treated like shit..and then when i bring up the fact that i really havent asked my dad for favors ina while and alot the ones i have asked for he has turned down every one except 1 and then be like well you got to go to your friends house friday and i picked you up..wow!!!!! you picked me up..oh yeah he brought me to cheryls house..sence it was on the way anyways...wow! what a great deal that is..!!!!!!!i need to drive or somthing...or maby i shoudl just sit in my room and die and rot and be forgoten..who knows?


and then iv asked him to hang out with Val..and the other favor was to have Cam sleep over sence he couldent get a ride home..finally i got my brother to do it and ditch his friend..and Cam is fuckin gay.what dose my dad think were ganna do somthing..atleast im not the one FUCKIN PLAYING WITH MYSELF AND MOANING WHEN MY FUCKIN KID IS OVER THAT FUCKIN SICK FUCK!!!!!THAT CHILE ABUSER PORNO LOVER FUCK!god!

ill stop my bitching and leave


<3333333333333 to all my friends that care

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