And what's sad is that I was one of those desperate people for years, and only JUST realized how crazy it gets. I would get 5 phone calls from people all pitching the same "exclusive" job they have for me, and just needed me to sign a few things to get my info to the right person. I didn't realize how stupid it was until I noticed that they all used the same words, were equally as uneducated, had all NOT read my resume.
To the two people who actually read it, they asked me to add things to it that I didn't actually have experience in. -- No Framemaker background? Just squeeze it into something. They need 10 years experience? We'll come up with something. Never used Sharepoint? Ask your husband about it and rewrite your resume to highlight it, and we'll spin it right for you. --
I'm glad I found something too! And it really seems kinda perfect. Everyone is smart, quick, and pretty serious about social media, but still carefree and lax. The boss asked me "What's your favorite animal?" today... Very random. But also, not like a huge hustle like my last position (from my last post). Everyone shares the workload, contributing a specific part of each account so that if someone wants to take a week vacation, it's okay. I was asked today, on my first day, if I would be taking a vacation or going out of town later this week. Who takes a vacation their first week on the job? Seth says, "a lot of people."
To the two people who actually read it, they asked me to add things to it that I didn't actually have experience in. -- No Framemaker background? Just squeeze it into something. They need 10 years experience? We'll come up with something. Never used Sharepoint? Ask your husband about it and rewrite your resume to highlight it, and we'll spin it right for you. --
I'm glad I found something too! And it really seems kinda perfect. Everyone is smart, quick, and pretty serious about social media, but still carefree and lax. The boss asked me "What's your favorite animal?" today... Very random. But also, not like a huge hustle like my last position (from my last post). Everyone shares the workload, contributing a specific part of each account so that if someone wants to take a week vacation, it's okay. I was asked today, on my first day, if I would be taking a vacation or going out of town later this week. Who takes a vacation their first week on the job? Seth says, "a lot of people."
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