Has anyone read this story?
Master of the Universe by Snowqueen Icedragon is the top reviewed story on Twilighted.net, with well over 24 thousand comments. I think that's pretty crazy!
I need some new stuff... I've just been cycling BDCQ by calanthe...
Any suggestions?
I'm reading it now, I've gotten somewhere near halfway, maybe 15 chaps out of ...38... Anyways, I'm always picky when it comes to stories, and I hate canon pairings, and d/s stuff wracks my nerves. This is sort of doing that for me. I like it, it's hot and all, but it's hard to read. It'd be different if Bella knew anything about sex and her body, and submission, but she doesn't. She hasn't even had a relationship before, or had someone hold her hand. She blindly gave him her virginity, and that was only to please him.
I understand d/s now, and when the sub is willing it makes sense. But she doesn't even know what's going on! He will only be with her if she signs a sheet of paper that says she has to serve him in everything. Forget her actually getting the chance to get to know him, or have a shot at a regular relationship to gain the trust. It just makes me hate men more, that arrogant, no questions attitude in this situation. He's just using her. She deserves to be cared about by someone who actually cares about her, and not only himself. And only THEN should she be able to trust him with her mind and body.
Edward in this fic is so self serving!
anyway, i felt as though she was being manipulated terribly in this fanfic. but continue reading. it isn't her manipulation that made me walk away even though it left a horrible taste in my mouth.
sorry about reposting so many times but i remembered something after the first post and caught an error after the second :)
I did keep reading, am still. I'm at chapter 52 now actually, and though I am absolutely LOATHING parts of it, I'm hoping that it'll just magically turn into something I want to read! It's funny that I'm constantly reading something that I dont want to, just in hopes that it gets better. It's making me quite emotional and aggravated, and it's my probably due to my independent mindset. I can't understand d/s relationships like this.
Her lack of understanding of it all? I wouldn't be very willing to give up everything that is myself, that I've known, for a man or for love. It's my mindset, and it's driving the hatred. Bella is so weak that it's fairly sickening, she can't leave someone that is so demanding and that is causing her so much stress, and when she finally gets away she's just a zombie. What the crap?! Some might think that's a sign that she should just give in and give herself to him, and stop suffering.
I don't think that way! And I know, how these kinds of stories go, that that's most likely going to happen. But I'm holding on so that it doesn't :p!
Edward really does care for her, and cares about her but only for himself. He'll give her "more" but only because she threatened to leave. He'll turn on the charm and completely dazzle her into doing whatever he wants her to do, for himself. He'll take something as mundane as a habit (biting her lip) as reason to punish her for his benefit, even her natural attitude is a reason he uses to have his way. He has his way about everything she does, something most would honestly call an OCD stalker's tendencies, is just some joke. What she drives, where she goes, how she eats, who she sees, who sees her.
I agree with you about canon Bella. Oh, Im no good for you Bella. You deserve better, wahh wahh... But I'm going to dazzle you and intrigue you, and keep you along anyways, and push you away when I have the whim, and lure you back when I care about you again. He's playing her constantly, and there is no level playing field.
Love isn't something I can believe is some magical redeeming factor that can make everything okay, not in Twilight and not in this fic.
Yay for having a conversation with you! And I didn't notice the multiple posts, so shhhh! I do that all the time :)
so have you finished the story? you're a stronger woman than i am. i had to stop when the back story of edward began to unravel. as he would let little things drop about his mrs. robinson and what he was exposed to, i was horrified. and then i got angry. i think the breaking point was when he wouldn't let bella touch him but said mrs. robinson was allowed to - that she wouldn't tolerate that stuff from him. the underage introduction of a troubled 15 yr old to submission, the psychological scars of his childhood/mother, the control exerted over bella, bella's desire for a vanilla relationship from edward when he couldn't give her that - it was just very distasteful for me.
i know it ends on a "they lived happily ever after" note but i didn't want to continue on the road the writer was laying down for me to follow.
let me know what you thought of it after you've finished.
btw, you're description of edward in this story is how i see him in twilight. its why i really hate the series. this fanfic just pushes all the underlying stuff of twilight to the surface under the guise of d/s.
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