Love Potion meme

Jul 20, 2009 23:59

Which Harry Potter Character Will You Give the Love Potion to?

For anyone who wants to know what's going on in my life, here is a tiny list:
  1. Mama is doing fine! Contentedly calling me, but taking some of the medical responsibilities into her own hands WHILE still contacting me about it!
  2. Something new, a revelation I had today. I think I may be switching religions. Or rather, adopting a new beliefs system for my very own. I see myself as a Christian, Presbyterian going to an Apostolic Lutheran church, but I've come up with this idea...It's a bit naturalist, like a Native American belief in the importance of nature, the Earth, and the living things it boasts. That's right, I believe that everything living has a soul. I had never thought on it before, until someone told me otherwise (that only people have souls)... I don't want to take up too much of this bullet/number with this one... but comments?
  3. Is the ad for the movie Fame driving y'all nuts too? It's just annoying!
  4. I've been thinking about baby names lately. No, I'm not having a baby, but I love baby names... Wanna share any of your favorites?


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