Soft's HP Meme: Rank Em'!

Jul 15, 2009 23:03

 These are my results! They are a bit... tangled. I'm trying to be sincere, but I probably shouldn't be trying to remember my favorite things JUST after seeing HBP.

But I will anyways!

The TOP 5 Coolest HP Scenes... Vary varied and random

1. (*possible spoiler*) The evil in me is making me do this... HBP, Draco on the train with Harry. That's all I'm gonna say.
2. OotP, the duels in the Ministry between the Order and the Death Eaters, namely Sirius and Harry against Lucius and Bella.
3. GoF when Cedric is trying to tell Harry about the egg... And suggests that the Prefect's Bathroom is ~a good place for a bath. An awesomely quirky interaction there.
4. PoA when Hermione is using the Time Turner in the hospital wing. She slaps Harry's hand quite fiercely! All of the events following that, while repeating the day were pretty sweet as well. (The encounters with themselves)
5. CoS, the duel. But not the part with the snake, but during the duel. Them flying through the air... It was the first time some real offensive magic was conveyed, and the power that those 12 year old children wielded.

The TOP 5 HP Movies... I refuse to put HBP on this list, as it would be incredibly biased.

1. CoS, it has been my favorite since the first time I saw it so many years ago... This is where the purpose, the blood, comes to play in these films... And the fact that Harry is a hero is most apparent.
2. GoF, I can, and have, watched this one repeatedly... just over and over. There's a reason why this was my favorite book!
3. PoA, Sirius Black.
4. OotP, this movie was just slick... classy, and all grown up. They didn't hold anything back here, especially not Bella's craziness, or any of that Harry/Sirius angst. And the bond between Harry and Voldy.
5.PS/SS, just on principle! It must be here, and no matter how many people in the world say that it sucked, or that the new ones are soooo much better, I'll never disgrace it with such insults. That first one, for me, was like seeing the evidence of truth to some religion practiced the world over, or realizing all of your dreams and imaginings. It became tangible, I had a voice to these names and events, a face, an accent. I should seriously put this on top of the list JUST BECAUSE of how much it changed my life-my way of thinking.

The TOP 5 HP Books... Hmph! I'll have to be a bit hypocritical here... No real explanations...

1. PoA
2. PS/SS
3. GoF
4. CoS
5. OotP

***I was so traumatized after reading a certain event in HBP that it ruined the entire book for me. I got such a bad headache, and cried so hard... I refused to finish the book. I just didn't, and never did. And DH... I couldn't put that in there either, just for personal withdrawal issues. But that event in HBP, even though I'm rather over it now, gave me that same terrible headache from seeing it in the movie last night. I felt like gagging.

There you are!!! Thank you softobsidian74  for such an awesome meme!

meme, softobsidian74

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