13's Q & A

May 25, 2009 15:37

 Hey y'all! (like Paula Deen), I have decided to come up with a little Q & A thing! And hopefully, within the next few days, I plan on redoing the "My City Meme" since apparently it's much too long! I think I'm just going to split it up.... Either way, here are my questions... They are all based on, well, everyone that I have here on my F-list, and hopefully who y'all have on your F-lists, and whatever influenced you to get into fanfiction...

I hope y'all haven't answered these questions 50 times, but I really want to know who/what inspires you all to come on to LJ and write on your stories... It's not really that deep, but... :)
  1. What year did you get into fanfiction? Was it the HP fandom that first got you hooked or was it something else? 
  2. In the HP fandom, what is your favorite pairing/ship?
  3. Do you write your own fanfiction, or simply review avidly?
  4. Who convinced you to start writing your own fanfiction (if applicable), and what was your first/most recent fic?
  5. Who wrote the first HP fic you ever read? What is the title?
  6. List 5 writers who's writing you follow/who inspire your own writing.
  7. **What is your favorite fanfic of all time, in the HP fandom?
  8. **Who is your favorite writer of all time, in the HP fandom?
  9. ***To you, what does your favorite character smell like?
  10. Do you enjoy any HP crossover pairings? If so, what is it?
I know, so completely random towards the end, but I needed to get up to 10, and they seemed to be legitimate questions...

**If you prefer not to answer, don't. Favoritism is a bit weird for me, someone who has, possibly, 5 favorite authors/stories of all time... So I may just have  a top 2, or make a list... But please answer if you can!
***TOTALLY RANDOM, but, for example, Hermione generally smells like (to Draco, in most fics) "vanilla" and "citrus." And in Bound By Duty, Draco always smells like fresh "soap." I want to know what you'd think, say, Ron smells like, or Snape.... Everyone would have their own opinions, and I just want to see the variations!

Also, if any of the authors you list are LJ users, please tag them with the little thingy up there. And please link to any fics listed, if available!

Love y'all, and have fun!

I don't think I've posted this pic before, but if I have, I think you can handle it!

The list! Potterentourage, Margarita, Scary, Pakhit, Tarnished, Feigning, Akasha, Ilke

robert pattinson, fanfiction, questionnaire

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