(misc) why a ♥ b meme.

Apr 15, 2008 12:39

Presenting fic bits from the Why A ♥ B Meme; Give me the names of two characters and I will tell you why character A loves character B. I might answer with a drabble, a quick bit of meta, or a list, just to make things that tiny bit more OMGSOEXCITING!
Thanks to kikiam, cynicalism, waxrose and partypaprika for prompting and giving me a hard time. Also, as they're meme answers, they're un-beta'd for the most part:

aiba/jun, ohno/nino/(chinen), sho/ohno, jun/ryo, etc.

127 wds - aiba ♥ jun

Aiba notices. He notices how hard Jun works, how hard Jun aims to always be the best in what he's doing. He notices how much Jun loves ARASHI, how much Jun takes care of them, disguised in that bitchy bossiness of his. He notices how Jun smiles, and how Jun tries to hide his smiles sometimes.

Aiba appreciates how Jun grounds him, how Jun makes him notice things, how Jun makes him think carefully about his actions. But mostly Aiba loves Jun because not a lot of people understand Jun, and Aiba knows Jun deserves love and so much more. So Aiba gives it to him tenfold, and while he still doesn't understand the younger man a hundred percent, Aiba knows that he's at least getting there.


just because
113 wds - jun ♥ aiba

Jun loves Aiba because Aiba wears his heart on his sleeve, but Jun knows that Aiba is actually one of the strongest people he knows. Jun loves AIba because Aiba faces everything with a smile, and Jun's heart can't help but melt when he sees that smile. Jun loves Aiba because Aiba gets Jun to loosen up, and while Jun acts like Aiba forces him to do all these crazy, useless things, Jun is secretly thankful, because he knows that this is AIba's way of reminding him to have fun every once in a while.

But everything aside, Jun loves Aiba, because it's Aiba and Jun can't really remember a time when he hasn't.


161 wds - jun ♥ nino

Arashi means everything to Jun, they mean so much to him that if he was to be honest, he'd admit that he doesn't know where he'd be now if he wasn't in Arashi - this is how important Arashi is to him.

Nino, though, is a big brat. But Jun loves Nino anyway.

Jun sees Nino hanging all over Leader, yet silently taking care of him too, when Nino thinks no one else is looking. Jun sees Nino trying to sneak out of playing along Aiba's silly experiments, but he also sees Nino always hanging out with Aiba, laughing along when the older man makes silly jokes. Jun sees Nino teasing Sho, but it's okay, Jun knows that's just how Nino shows his love.

Nino loves to make fun Jun's clothes, Jun's hair, Jun's rings, loves to make fun of Jun in general, but Jun loves Nino anyway, because he knows that past the sharp tongue and the seemingly aloof demeanor, Nino cares.


in due time
117 wds - chinen ♥ ohno ♥ nino

Chinen loves Ohno because he is everything Chinen thinks a man should be. Chinen has wanted to be a singer, a dancer, an idol ever since he was a little kid (well a littler kid than he is now, anyway), and ever since he saw Arashi's Ohno-kun he has wanted to be exactly like him. Chinen loves Ohno like the idol Ohno is, nothing more. Or, at least, nothing more for now.

But Ohno loves Nino in so many more ways. Ohno loves Nino because Nino complements him in ways no one else does, and in ways few other people ever get. In ways someone as young as Chinen can't possibly understand, at least not at the moment.


90 wds - sho ♥ ohno

Ohno loves Sho, because Ohno's Leader, and he feels that if anything, he should at least love all his members. But more than that, Ohno loves Sho because Sho keeps the group together, reins them in when they're all getting a bit too crazy. Because Sho is known for temper, but he's actually patient with Aiba's hyperactiveness, Nino's sarcasm, Jun's bitchiness and Ohno's passiveness.

Because Sho is a real leader, and he's always there to help Ohno out, even if it ends up getting him called Band Mother of all things.


199 wds - jun ♥ ryo

Jun doesn't hang out with a lot of his kouhai, but that's because half of them are scared of him, and half don't just really understand him. He has no time to explain that there's nothing to be scared, and he has no spare energy to exert just so they can get what kind of person he is. Besides, Jun likes keeping to himself, and he has Arashi, and he has friends outside the Jimusho.

Ryo is different though. What Ryo lacks in height he makes up for in attitude, and for some reason, Jun actually likes that.

Ryo doesn't take any shit from Jun, but isn't completely disrespectful either, and this is enough for Jun.

Sometimes Jun takes Ryo out for a drink, and he'll question himself all over again why he likes hanging out with the shorty, especially when Ryo starts laughing at him, making fun of whatever drunken stupidity he got himself into well into the next day.

But at the end of the day, Jun just laughs right back, makes fun right back, and Jun is thankful that no matter how much of a bastard Ryo can be, at least he still knows how to keep secrets.


167 wds - jun ♥ doumyouji tsukasa

Jun doesn't really take on roles that he doesn't like. For some reason that translated to him taking on mainly roles from manga-adapted titles, but it's working well for him so it's all good.

He has an older sister, and if you ask him, that's enough reason why he'd read Hana Yori Dango even before the lead role was offered to him. He always thought Rui was the cool one though, so he was slightly disappointed when they offered him Domyouji instead.

Eventually he begins to admire the character though, begins to get into him more than any other roles he's played, and so what if it's because Tsukasa is the type who knows what he wants, if its because Tsukasa's stubborn enough to go for what he wants everyone else be damned? So what if he gets into the role so much that when he rereads the original manga after filming he actually gets over-emotional about it and tears up, because goddammit he really gets Tsukasa now.


not really
25 wds - aiba ♥ kangaroos

Aiba loves kangaroos because...

Actually, Aiba doesn't. Aiba hates kangaroos, is scared of them, doesn't even want to think about him. He still has nightmares, even.
# there was also this why jun loves his rings prompt that i really wasn't too happy with as it exuded psycho!jun wich, ugh. also, for partypaprika, why arashi loves alena, which i have to admit to being quite fond of. :P

arashi/super junior
jun/donghae, nino/kyuhyun, sho/yehsung, sho/kibum

149 wds - matsujun ♥ donghae

Jun immediately feels a sort of familiar feeling the moment he meets Donghae. He's not immediately able to point out what it is exactly, but it's not exactly a negative feeling.

If anything, it's kind of warm. It still puzzles him, though, and it continues to puzzle him until one day he gets Aiba and Donghae in the same room, and he sees them laughing at whatever horrible joke that it dawns on him.

Jun loves Donghae's smiles, and his occasional spaciness. He loves that Donghae can always brighten someone's day with his playfulness. Donghae is so much like Aiba, and it's kind of really obvious seeing them side by side that Jun kind of feels a little stupid for not realizing it sooner.

The realization doesn't change anything though, if anything it becomes a warmer feeling, and Jun looks forward to learning more about Donghae, Donghae's smiles, and Donghae's inherent brightness.


85 wds - nino ♥ kyuhyun

Nino thinks about it and decides, he probably sticks to Kyuhyun because of one or more of the following reasons:

1. Kyuhyun can be so easy to mock sometimes. Who doesn't know how to cook SPAM, after all?

2. But it can also be because Kyuhyun has a tongue with sharpness that can rival his. Never mind that it's annoying when Kyuhyun gets the last word sometimes, Nino will always always get him back.

3. Hardcore gamers win at life. Like he needs any other reason, even.


kings of fail
84 wds - sho ♥ yehsung
this was supposed to be crack. obviously i failed. ;_;

Sho likes Yehsung because they're kind of very similar, in ways that make them both their respective bands' so-called Kings of Failure.

Sho belongs to a small group of five, and while he doesn't really understand it, he decides he admires Yehsung's determination to get noticed in a group of thirteen.

Sho thinks though, that it's really Yehsung's voice he loves. He thinks Ohno has a good voice, but he knows that there isn't anyone in his own group with a voice as powerful as Yehsung's.


165 wds - sho ♥ kibum

Kibum isn't very talkative, and that's something Sho appreciates, especially coming from Arashi, where all five members are insane dorks that sometimes Sho can't hear himself think. It isn't a bad thing, exactly, but sometimes Sho just wants some quiet in his life. Matsujun isn't so bad sometimes, but Sho thinks Aiba must be really rubbing off on Jun, since lately Jun's being really acting weird. Sho really really loves Arashi, but he also loves that he can count on Kibum for a peaceful night out drinking every now and then.

But when Sho is to be really really honest with himself, it's actually Kibum's smile that he loves the most, Kibum's quiet, yet bright smile that Sho looks forward to on their nights out. If he's being really honest, he they can go out and have a rowdy night and he won't care if he can't hear himself think anymore, because it's not like he can think straight anyway, when he sees that smile.

super junior
hyukjae/junsu, hyukjae/donghae, hyukjae/sungmin, kangin/eeteuk, siwon/heechul, movie!verse, etc.

331 wds - hyukjae ♥ junsu
## because they are epic best friends made of win :DDDD

Hyukjae doesn't really remember a time when Junsu wasn't his best friend. He hasn't known Junsu since they were babies, since they were in their mothers' wombs, but he's known him for a really long time anyway, and life before Junsu seems really blurry every time he tries to remember it.

Hyukjae loves Junsu because when they were eleven they shared the same dreams, shared the same hobbies, shared the same everything. Hyukjae loves Junsu because Junsu was always willing to play soccer with him, always willing to work on dance routines with him, always willing to practice singing with him. And even when when Junsu got accepted in the company and he didn't, Hyukjae continued to love Junsu, because he was his best friend, and you don't stop loving someone over petty things as such.

Hyukjae loves Junsu because when the same company picked him up a year later, while Junsu said, 'Aish! I can't believe I have to see your ugly face here too!' Hyukjae knew that what Junsu really meant was, 'finally, finally, I waited for you so long, I'm glad you're here now.'

Hyukjae loves Junsu because when Junsu left him to be a part of Dong Bang Shin Ki, Junsu cried and cried, and apologized a dozen times over, and when Hyukjae smiled, and said, 'I'm really glad for you, you're going to be great,' Junsu had replied with 'I want to see you too on stage soon, Hyukjae-ah.' Hyukjae loves Junsu because Junsu's words pushed him to work hard, work so hard, that it's because of those words that he reaches his dream and becomes a part of Super Junior.

Junsu's his best friend, always has been, and always will be, no matter the fact that they're not constantly together anymore. They're both working towards their dreams now, and as long as Junsu is Junsu, and Hyukjae is Hyukjae, he will continue loving Junsu.

(And Hyukjae knows that no matter what, it will also be the same for Junsu.)


173 wds - siwon ♥ heechul
## siwon → heechul relay talk, an essential to any simbarella 'shipper. :DDDD

Heechul is a very difficult person. Heechul would never compromise his beliefs, would never change for anything, anyone, and people always say they pity the person who falls in love with him.

Siwon knows otherwise though. He won't go as far as to say that Heechul isn't a narcissist, isn't a diva, isn't self-involved because Heechul is all those things, and probably even a bit more. (Besides, if Siwon's going to be honest, there are times when Heechul's childishness is actually adorable, times when Heechul's childishness actually endears him more to Siwon.)

Past the pettiness (and the prettiness), Siwon knows Heechul is a good person. It will take a while, but once he likes you, he'll take care of you, will refuse to let go of you, will give you everything (well, probably not, but close to everything anyway, and that's saying something considering it's Heechul) and maybe that's just another part of Heechul's selfishness but Siwon appreciates it anyway.

And this is why he's glad that God made it possible for him to know Heechul.


161 wds - heechul ♥ siwon

Heechul knows words. Words that will make you laugh, make you swoon, make you angry. Heechul loves to use words because he's Heechul and he likes playing up to his strengths. People don't always get this though, so they think Heechul is a clown, a playboy, an asshole. He doesn't care as he mostly minds his own business anyway (at least until they start targeting his friends, in which case it's a different story entirely).

Siwon has a natural affinity for touchy-feely skinship. He keeps hugging Heechul, keeps asking for pecks on the cheek and everytime, Heechul laughs at him, uses words to tell him to stop! go find a girlfriend if you need someone so much!Siwon just smiles though, and then does it all over again the next day, until it's a routine between them.

Siwon understands. Understands that Heechul knows words well, and uses them well, but that words aren't always everything, and this is why Heechul loves Siwon.


225 wds - hyukjae ♥ donghae

Hyukjae, without a doubt, is straight. He doesn't have anything against homosexuals (well, maybe once upon a time he did, maybe once upon a time he did think men involved in those kinds of relationship will go to hell, but he's older now, he knows better, and he's been in show business long enough), but he is definitely straight.

Never mind Donghae's excessive skinship, seventy-five percent of the time, it's just for show, just for the fans anyway. Never mind that Donghae is totally adorable, everybody dotes on him, and Hyukjae isn't an exception. What really messes with Hyukjae's thinking, though, are Donghae's more subtle gestures, off the camera, when no one is looking.

It's the way Donghae smiles at him when Donghae wants attention (it's annoying at times, but Donghae's energy is infectious, and Hyukjae secretly doesn't really mind the way Donghae gets him to do anything), and the way Donghae quietly holds his hand when he's down (the time Yunho and Junsu left them both to be a part of Dong Bang Shin Ki - Hyukjae still remembers that day vividly, remembers the usually sensitive Donghae being strong, holding onto him, he remembers it so well, because that's how he got the strength to smile and be happy for his best friend), and, when it comes down to it, the way Donghae is just Donghae.


61 wds - everyone ♥ dongwhorehae :P

Everyone outside the band thinks Donghae is a great dancer and a decent enough singer.

Everyone outside the band thinks Donghae is the cutest, most adorable thing ever.

Everyone outside the band looks at Donghae and sees a sweet and innocent kid.

Everyone in the band, though, loves Donghae, because everyone in the band knows Donghae gives the most awesome blowjobs known to man.


121 wds - hyukjae ♥ sungmin

Hyukjae loves Sungmin because it's Sungmin, and Sungmin has always been a pillar of support to him. Sungmin hasn't been there from the beginning, not like Junsu has, but Sungmin has been there long enough.

Sungmin was there when Junsu left and became a Rising God of the East, Sungmin who comforted him even though he never said anything about hurting.

It was Sungmin there with him when he finally reached his dream and debuted as a member of Super Junior, Sungmin who smiled at him, and made the nervous flutters in his stomach go away with the same smile.

Hyukjae loves Sungmin because it's Sungmin and he trusts him with his life, trusts Sungmin to be there with him until the end.


213 wds - kangin/eeteuk

Youngwoon is man's man, a manly man, a strong man. This is why he struggles with his feelings at first, because Jungsu is also a man, and there is no way he's into other men. He likes feeling needed, and the feeling of being able to protect someone, and girls have always given him this particular feeling, and this why he definitely likes girls.

But suddenly he's Kangin, and Jungsu is Eeteuk, and for some reason Jungsu really does become special, and not just by name.

Super Junior is a family, and Kangin's instincts kick in, because a family needs a father to protect them., and Kangin thinks he can fit that role perfectly. Eeteuk is The Leader because the company assigned him to be so, and by default this makes him the mother. Kangin knows that Eeteuk is strong in some ways, but he also realizes that it's Eeteuk who needs the most protecting, or rather, the most support.

Being with Eeteuk gives Kangin a sense of fulfillment, gives Kangin a sense of purpose, and this is why he loves Eeteuk, why he knows he will never leave the older man's side, why he will never exchange him even for a dozen or so younger girls who whine and ask for protection.


140 wds - hyukjae ♥ shin dong yup

Hyukjae loves Shin Dong Yup because... well. He doesn't know really, but if anything it's probably because Shin Dong Yup is a good MC, and even though he flubs around his first MC try in EHB, Shin Dong Yup is patient with him and gives him emceeing-tips off camera. Hyukjae thinks he probably also might like the way Shin Dong Yup makes filming an easy experience, and to be honest, Hyukjae can't really imagine what kind of show EHB would have been if some other talent was assigned to work with them.

Even worse if all thirteen members were left on their own. Kangin would probably hog the MC-ing duties and everyone else would get a minute or two of screen time.

When he thinks about it that way, he's really glad that Shin Dong Yup is in his life.


232 wds - heechul ♥ anya

Despite useless rumors, and all the damn fanservice, Heechul actually likes girls. Never mind that he's prettier than 75% of the girls he knows, he still prefers girl parts over boy parts. But that doesn't stop him from being picky with girls. Past dating experiences have taught him that he can't stand women who constantly whine and have some sort of Mother Teresa complex which involved them feeling that they can and they should change their boyfriends for the better.

Heechul wants someone who will not demand anything from him, but won't take any shit from him either. He wants someone who will understand his words, and by that someone who will know how to read between the fucking lines. And he's not Kangin, who wants someone to protect and watch over, he just wants a girl who can meet him eye-to-eye,

When he meets Anya, they don't really understand each other at first. But Anya is honest, she tells it like it is, calls him on his shit, and isn't easily swayed by the fact that he looks more like a girl than she does. Anya possesses sharp wit, almost as sharp as his, and flings back poison-laced barbs without batting an eyelash. But Anya also knows how to read the atmosphere, knows when a joke's just a joke, knows how to read between the fucking lines.

That's all Heechul really wants anyway.


218 wds - miyavi ♥ heechul

The truth is, Miyavi doesn't really think he and Kim Heechul look a lot alike. But more than one person has told him that they do, so what the hell, when he has a concert in Korea, he decides to extend an invitation to the younger man, see for himself if they do, in fact, resemble each other.

He isn't really offended when his invitation is declined, life goes on, his concert tour is a success, and he goes on to reinvent himself, make more music, dabble in new projects.

The next time his schedule is a little free though, he remembers Heechul and looks him up on the internet. Heechul has a sharp tongue, a sort of peculiar charm and for that he kind of catches Myavi's interest. So when his next tour schedule is planned out, and Seoul is included he asks his management to try again, and this time Heechul and SM Co. actually say yes.

But in person, Miyavi realizes that Heechul is so much more. More sharp-tongued, more peculiarly charming, and more than capable of matching his own charisma and energy.

When Miyavi leans into Heechul for the token fanservice kiss, the crowd goes wild, and Miyavi smiles, because if anything, he knows now that Heechul can put up as good a show as he can.


267 wds - heechul ♥ miyavi

It's no secret that Heechul is a fan of Japanese Rock. He was a fan of Due'le Quartz when he was younger, and he was among the fans who got excited when they heard that Miyabi was going to go solo after the band broke up. He was also among the fans who got disappointed and thought Miyabi (no, wait, Miyavi now) sold out.

So after he debuts as part of Super Junior, after he makes a name for himself, and he gets worf that Miyavi is going to have a concert in Seoul, and fucking Miyavi wants him to guest in said concert, he turns it down.

"He says, he's heard people talk about how the two of you look alike, and he wants to see it for himself," one of the manager-hyungs explain.
"Please. I'm prettier," is what Heechul retorts.

But Miyavi is persistent, and the next time he has a world tour, Seoul's on the list again, and Heechul receives yet another invitation.

"Okay, fine," Heechul finally agrees, "It'll be good publicity anyway, right?"

So he goes, and Miyavi pulls him on stage, and Heechul feels a rush of energy surge through him, and Heechul is actually in awe. He takes back everything he ever though about Miyavi selling out, because this Miyavi is making music, hyping up fans, and is simply fuck amazing.

When Miyavi pulls him in for the token fanservice kiss, Heechul doesn't think twice about and kisses back. The fans all go wild, and Heechul smirks that trademark smirk of his, and Miyavi smiles and winks at him, and goes back to rocking his damn guitar.

44 wds - movieverse!, ryeowook ♥ giant dentures

There isn't really any proper reason why Ryeowook is constantly cleaning those huge pair of dentures. There isn't really any real reason to anything Ryeowook does, or at least there isn't any reason anyone who isn't Ryeowook will understand.

So no one even tries.


82 wds - movieverse!, siwon ♥ ryeowook

Ryeowook is too flaily, too meddlesome, too weird, and basically too much of an all-around annoyance that Shiwon sometimes wonders how he even became the student council Vice President to begin with. Surely there are other, more competent candidates?

But Shiwon has to admit, if Ryeowook has a redeeming point it's his loyalty. Ryeowook sticks by him even after the Pin-up Boys scandal, sticks by him and continuously defends his honor, and even though Shiwon doesn't show it, he's glad and thankful.


143 wds - movieverse!, kibum ♥ donghae

People always wonder how Kibum and Donghae ever became good friends when they were obviously complete opposites. They first met freshman year, was in the same class together even then, but Kibum was quiet, was the student council secretary, was a straight-A student at the top of his class, while Donghae was energetic (which is just the nice word for 'loud,' really), was a dance club member, was a delinquent who spent more time hiding out at the back of the school more than in an actual classroom.

But Kibum and Donghae are good friends anyway, and everyone knows it, but no one understands it. They don't understand how Donghae makes things a little brighter, a little less boring, a little bit more interesting. There's nothing Kibum hates more than boredom., and this is why he loves Donghae, why he keeps him close.

big bang, gokusen, lovely complex
g-dragon/seungri, shin/yankumi, otani/risa

little by little
199 wds - g-dragon ♥ seungri

Jiyong doesn't really think much of him at first. He's a baby, and Jiyong thinks Hyunseung maybe deserves the fifth spot a little more.

But Seungri grows on him slowly, bit by bit, and suddenly, Seungri had transformed from that awkward kid to the adorable maknae.

Before he knows it, he's noticing the little things about Seungri. He admires the younger boy's determination, and he realizes how much Seungri worked hard for this, to be where they all are right now, and Jiyong has to admit, maybe the executives did know what they were thinking when they picked Seungri over Hyunseung. He loves how hard Seungri works hard on his dance, even though he isn't the best singer in the group, or even the best rapper - as long as Seungri dances like there's no tomorrow, Jiyong thinks Big Bang will never fail.

But then there are things that he hates about Seungri too, like how even though he's growing up, he can still be such a clueless kid sometimes. Jiyong hates how Seungri never seems to catch on, and Jiyong is constantly wondering how many more times does he need to express his love for Seungri to finally get it?


174 wds - yankumi ♥ sake, shin

It isn't that Yankumi condones excessive drinking, but she can't help it if she can easily hold her alcohol. She did grow up in a household full of big, burly men who all drank like fishes.

Yankumi can't help it though if imbibing alcohol stops her from thinking too much, too much, too much about Sawada Shin and too much, too much, too damn much about Sawada Shin's words (I like you I always have, I want to protect you, I want to help your family). So she sits with her grandfather, a tall bottle of sake between them and she talks and talks and talks - but he's my student, she insists. And when her grandfather raises his eyebrow at her, she tries to convince herself that it's just the alcohol, and she couldn't really possibly be thinking that Shin can be something more to her than a former student.

Except Yankumi knows herself, knows how well she can hold her alcohol, and she hasn't even had two cups of sake at that point.


148 wds - otani ♥ risa

They were friends first before anything, and there is the kind of love between friends, so truthfully, maybe he's always loved her. But if you ask him when it happened, or how it happened that it turned into something more, he's not sure he will be able to explain. He and Risa are just so alike that at times it feels like narcissism but then he'll spend a day with her and remember all the good things about Risa that aren't him, the good things about Risa that complement him.

He loves how Risa never gave up on him even though, now that he thinks back, he was probably the slowest idiot in the planet. He's glad that Risa is probably the most stubborn person he knows, because if she wasn't, he probably would have never caught on, and he wouldn't have her at his side now.

# jdramas, ship: jun/ryo, ship: ohno/nino, ship: jun/donghae, ship: sho/ohno, ship: aiba/jun, rp: g-dragon, meme: why a♥b, year: 2008, ship: heechul/anya, rp: donghae, ship: sho/kibum, ship: otani/risa, fandom: super junior, ship: kibum/donghae, # crossovers, rp: miyavi, fandom: lovely complex, rp: junsu, fandom: arashi, rp: kangin, rp: eunhyuk, ship: sho/yehsung, character: koizumi risa, rp: sungmin, rp: sakurai sho, character: yamaguchi kumiko, ship: donghae/everyone, rp: aiba masaki, fandom: attack on the pin-up boys, rp: kibum, ship: jun/nino, ship: eunhyuk/sungmin, rp: ninomiya kazunari, ship: aiba/kangaroos, ship: siwon/heechul, # jpop, ship: eunhyuk/shin dong yup, rp: heechul, ship: eunhyuk/junsu, ship: jun/domyouji, ship: siwon/ryeowook, ship: g-dragon/seungri, character: sawada shin, ship: eunhyuk/donghae, fandom: gokusen, rp: siwon, ship: kangin/eeteuk, # anime/manga, rp: ryeowook, fandom: dbsk, fandom: johnny's ent (non arashi), rp: shin dong yup, character: otani atsushi, ship: chinen/ohno/nino, rp: anya, rp: kyuhyun, ship: nino/kyuhyun, rp: matsumoto jun, ship: heechul/miyavi, rp: nishikido ryo, rp: seungri, # kpop, rp: eeteuk, ship: ryeowook/dentures, fandom: big bang, ship: shin/yankumi, rp: chinen yuuri, rp: yehsung

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