What's in a Name

Nov 20, 2011 23:32

Who: no_resignations, not_obsess3d and madannoshashu
Where: The ruins of Radiant Garden
What: A peek at how Saïx joined the Organization, and how Xigbar knew to keep an eye on him
Warnings: Possible violence and blood

Because I don't have one anymore )

ana, mk, rw, [canon] kingdom hearts

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not_obsess3d November 22 2011, 22:51:24 UTC
[Everything was different.

Everything is different.

The view overlooking the steep vale and the remains of the castle - once decidedly magnificent in its radiance - is now morbidly picturesque; a somber lull falls over everything, completing the setting where the Hooded Nobody now stands.

Even as he takes this in visually, there is no reaction. No emotions.

Just a deafening silence.]


no_resignations December 22 2011, 23:39:38 UTC
[Perhaps it was pure luck he came across Xemnas as quickly as he did. But now he stands there, staring at the man, and where rage should be boiling there is... Nothing. But he'll remind himself. Anger. He destroyed your life, your home. There's silence for a moment before he clenches a fist.]


[He doesn't care that it announces his presence. He should be angry. Angry for the pain in his face, the emptiness in his chest, for everything. So he charges forward, preparing to claw and bite the other man. He has no weapon, this will have to do.]


not_obsess3d December 23 2011, 02:59:20 UTC
[The sound of the young Nobody's voice doesn't faze him. It only breaks the silence, leaving him to turn away from the view and see the boy coming straight at him.

Ah. And he does it with reason.

The First remains where he is, as if to say he will accept the challenge from this one.]


no_resignations December 23 2011, 03:29:07 UTC
[And Isa lunges at him, full force. He's prepared to rip and tear at this man, to do his best to rip him to shreds even though he destroyed their world. It's stupid--he knows it--but he should do this. He should be angry enough to want to. And yet... And yet...

He feels nothing. What the hell is going on?]


not_obsess3d December 23 2011, 07:59:11 UTC
[There is something about the way Isa moves that interests Xemnas. It is raw. Direct. An empty rage. Such has not been displayed in such a long time. And it contrasts greatly with the cold indifference he gives in return.

As the boy lunges, he steps back with ease, almost dance-like in his movement. He chooses not to do anything yet; he just continues to watch and wait.]


no_resignations December 23 2011, 17:00:04 UTC
[It doesn't matter to him. He'll just lunge again, determined to claw the other to death if he can.]


not_obsess3d December 23 2011, 22:48:44 UTC
[Too close. He really is serious.

Another step leads to a full-out cartwheel, an artful feat, creating distance between the boy and himself.]


no_resignations December 24 2011, 03:07:15 UTC
[Of course he's serious. He has no reason not to be. Though the cartwheel is unexpected, he keeps moving forward. He is intent, and Xemnas had better do something if he wants Isa to stop.]


not_obsess3d December 24 2011, 04:34:40 UTC
[Dodging can only go so far. And seeing that this one is not giving up any time soon, it only makes sense to end it. The Nobody appears to stop, changing his stance. Arms extend out to either side of his body, red lights flickering before turning into two blades.]


no_resignations December 24 2011, 04:56:50 UTC
[He should stop. He should marvel at how the other calls those blades to his hands with ease--but he doesn't. He's determined, and he has tunnel vision. Destroy. Hurt. He doesn't want to think, because thinking leads him to the lack and the void in his chest. And that's almost more painful than a wound.]


not_obsess3d December 24 2011, 05:51:02 UTC
[Too much emphasis on what is not present distracts from the action taken. And it will be a quick and unfortunately painful lesson.

This time around, the Nobody lets the blades cut through the air at Isa, each movement sweeping and dramatic. Light trails follow after the attack, an effect only appreciated if one is afar and not a target.]


no_resignations December 25 2011, 00:59:46 UTC
[and they catch Isa perfectly. Once the barrage is done, the boy falls to his knees, doubled over in pain. For blunt objects, they seem to be very effective, and he's probably lucky to even be conscious after that.]

Y-You... everything...


not_obsess3d December 25 2011, 08:00:14 UTC
[Xemnas now stands over the boy. The sabers stay low as they are held out, subtly intimidating in the most casual of poses.]

...An exchange took place. And now you are left with Nothing.

I know.


no_resignations December 25 2011, 23:48:58 UTC
You took... Everything... Even my home...!

[He forces himself to stand. He should just stay down, but Isa has always been stubborn. Very stubborn, really, and this is no exception.]


not_obsess3d December 26 2011, 00:01:58 UTC
What good is there in mentioning this? Where will it get you?

[Gold eyes watch the boy struggle, studying these movements, this sense of anger.]

Your persistence speaks volumes. Perhaps the accusations are worth something after all.


no_resignations December 26 2011, 00:33:49 UTC
I don't care. I just want...

[...Revenge? Is that even possible? This man easily took him down moments before. What can he do?]



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