[[ Roxas and Sora | We're Going Down ]]

Aug 29, 2011 05:55

Who? Roxas (vacationisalie) and Sora (lockandkeyblade)
Where? Dreamscape
When? Takes place the night of HEARTBREAK thread. Confronting phantoms, and reflections in the deepest part of their shared heart the night after the truth finally comes out. Feelings run rampant as Roxas and Sora's dreamscapes finally connect.
Warnings? None. YET.

[The man in the black coat. He's here again in his dream, finally emerging from where he's been lurking in the darker corners of Sora's mind. He peers out from the shadows and watches as the world expands around them for what feels like the final time. And when a mysterious door appears, tall and elegant and glistening at the edge of his very world, they both know it's going to lead to a new place, a new chamber of his heart previously unexplored.

That moment when their gazes connect-- that's when the chase is on.

The figure's managed to escape him thus far, but Sora's determined this time: he can feel it in his heart, in the beat of his footsteps against the sand as he sprints after the fleeing phantom. He knows that this time, he's going to find out who it is. And this time, as the phantom slams open a door to that uncharted part of his mind and Sora gives chase, he knows without a doubt that he is going to catch him. Everything is focused on the phantom as the scenery rushes past, and he doesn't take his eyes off of the figure, even as he sprints towards a looming black tower.

This figure - this shadow - he's the reason for everything. Why this rich world suddenly bizarre and unfamiliar. Hes the reason why this vivid and rich and colorful dreamscape is like a stranger to him. And he needs to answer for it.]

Come back here!

daine, dee, [canon] kingdom hearts

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