{And yet more spammage.}

Jan 31, 2011 21:50

Who: toomanypetals and ourshininghope and any other senshi that wanna show up. :|a For your big death debut.
What: Next in series of that silly ongoing log plot.
When: IT IS THE FIGHT BEFORE THE BIG FIGHT. And maybe the big fight too.
Warnings: Senshi death, and Kanda being Kanda.

[He'd been waiting for too long now. Far too long. Even five minutes was too long when you could see the sun getting swallowed up by its own sunspots.]

[Kanda was fairly certain the other senshi had told him to meet them here at the shop...Did something happen? Much to his annoyance, he was actually worried about those silly girls. He leaned against the wall, wondering if he should go and try to find them when--]

[When he spotted a bright column of light shooting up from the local shrine.]

[And he just knew. They'd tricked him and left him behind.]

....Stupid bitches......!

[canon] d. gray-man, button, [canon] sailormoon, laura

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