& it's a love story baby just say yes~

Jan 14, 2011 21:54

Who: ourshininghope, toomanypetals & ... an extra addition? kufufu
What: Every little girl loves hearing fairy tales.. and her parents are just the people to ask for a story!
When: Fastforwarding FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR into the AU timeline. Like, really really really far.
Warnings?: I'm not sure you guys can handle Kanda being a daddy and being on good behavior. ... so we'll just go with that.

Read me a bedtime story!

[ There, laying in her bed is a tiny little girl with dark hair and wide blue eyes, staring up at her parents who have been trying to get her to go to sleep for the past few minutes. ]

I can read you a story, Karin-chan.

No, Mommy! You and Daddy have to read me one! [ Usagi sighs and glances back behind her to the grump face standing in the door. ] Want to help me out with this one?

[canon] d. gray-man, button, [canon] sailormoon, laura

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