Heheh that's exactly why I asked the person to use that picture *grins* ^_^ lol. Oh my an idea huh? you must inform me once you have finished this idea of yours =) o0o0o I think I may have something starting to form in my lil' head now ^_^
I LOVE YOUR PICTURE! *dies* Okay, I am rude and obnoxius, but I'll try not to be because you're so sweet and don't deserve it. God knows I'm not against slash- I'm an acclaimed writer of it, and I love gay people. Especilly gay men. Mmm.... *ahem. *blinks* I added you before I knew this was friends only and I had to. I love reading slash. I'll be nice to you. I like you. It's all good. Add me. Please? I can't promise how often I'll comment though... I'm not good with that, but I promise I'll try.
Of course I will add you. Do you know how much I love your stories?...a ton! =) Oh and it's ok I guess if you don't comment much, cuz there's not much written in my LJ anyway. Also just to let you know all the stories I will be posting on here are over at fd.net So you might have already read them who knows. Um ok ya lol your added ^_^
duuuuude! I'm kiwicone from fd.net! I <33 you! And your icon made my life 32847304732043 times better! (jere and matt huggy cuteness is always the best)
Comments 55
Of course I will add you. Do you know how much I love your stories?...a ton! =) Oh and it's ok I guess if you don't comment much, cuz there's not much written in my LJ anyway. Also just to let you know all the stories I will be posting on here are over at fd.net So you might have already read them who knows. Um ok ya lol your added ^_^
completely random. im just wondering, cause if it your youre hot stuff.
no, im not bi. you're just cute like whoa, if it is indeed you. :)
now back to your regularly scheduled programming
I was just looking around for stuff to read.
I add you, please add me?
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