Random Meme

Nov 14, 2009 23:26

I got tagged by
diane_kepler and decided - ah what the heck, I rarely if ever do this sort of thing. Want to see
karmic_fic , verizonhorizon , jademac2442 and alldoubtaboutit do this haha

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
My iPod docking speakers - I'm entirely serious, I sleep with it :)
[*SIGH* apparently all ST characters are fictional.]

What did you last eat?
Indian Jewfish curry with rice and salad

What kind of books do you read?
recently it's been fanfics, Star Trek e-books, noir and short story anthologies

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Ginza, Tokyo, that wagashi shop there on the corner for truly amazing azuki and strawberry daifuku, and then I'll visit those little izakayas nearby serving beer and umeshu along with chicken skewers, and then hope on the train to Meiji Jingumae where that incredible cake shop is

What's really creepy?
those idols/worship boxes some asian people set up in their houses with all the incense and red lighting

Name one item within five feet of you.
a book, Bronx Noir

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
...star trek/Vulcans/porn (seconding
diane_kepler ) and also Kirk as a Romulan

What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
have a nap

What are you most excited for?
my virtual online AIM date with karmic_fic tomorrow :D
cos she's been sick and i've been busy and between the two of us, we have unfinished fics to plan

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, ireland.com, thesaurus, isohunt.TORRENT

What was the last thing you bought?
four chive and egg Chinese buns from this really awesome Bejing-style eatery nearby

If you could have any pet, what would it be?
I would actually prefer a Vulcan but am willing to settle for a terrestrial white tiger

Your past life: tell me about it.
you mean before I rediscovered ST and fanfic? or do you mean like before I got my head clamped by doctors extracting me from my mum's birth canal? because I'm pretty sure I was a particularly interesting 2pm Wednesday afternoon brainstorm of a higher being in my past life

What do you want right this minute: tell me about it.
I would LOVE to take up
diane_kepler on the offer of dimsims and beer and conversation :D
Also: I'd like to fall asleep quickly

Where is the place you like to return to to calm down/ relax/ etc.?
my bedroom - my friends describe it as a sanctuary, a study, and a museum display. it has a lot of me in it, and when you step in, it truly is a world on its own.

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll Centre of a Tootsie Roll pop?
I dislike sweets in general so NO i'd never eat one of these Tootsie things (dammit I don't even know what they bloody are - I'M AUSTRALIAN for crying out loud-- is this an American thing?) but can be persuaded by dark chocolate and traditional sweets from any Asian nation

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I'd like to tell Amanda that she better be on time all brain cells firing

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
The way that time seemed to be slower, because a day is a much larger portion of the entire amount of time your consciousness has been keeping track of.

Say something to the person who tagged you.
I wish there was a way to instantly beam you food I want you to try
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