FIC: Terra Firma 3/3

Oct 12, 2009 18:21

Title: Terra Firma
Author: 13empress  and karmic_fic
Rating: Adult (language, adult themes, sex)
Pairing: Kirk/Uhura, (some OMC/Uhura, ref. to Gaila/OFC)
Warnings: moderately graphic sex, flashbacks, lots of chatter, DUB-CON in one scene
Notes: for a PROMPT that wanted an interlude set in the time between when Kirk alone in the bar after Pike leaves him and when he shows up the next day at the shuttle, with Kirk and Uhura getting together. We deviated from the prompt, but hopefully that will be okay.

She pulled her wrist out of his grasp, unable to concentrate with their pulses beating against one another. ‘This isn’t necessary - it’s late, I need to be on a shuttle at 0800, I don’t have-‘

He shushed her, pulling her through the sitting room and up the winding staircase, their light footsteps almost sonorous against on aged wood.  She bumped into him when he suddenly stopped, nearly losing her balance, but a hand around her waist kept her steady and guided her up to join him on the dim landing.

Kirk fumbled for something in the shadows off to their right. A sharp flick and the hallway lit up, making her stop: electric lighting, a real switch - are those even safe? She didn’t know what she was meant to be seeing but as her eyes adjusted she realized that the entire left side of the hall was covered in picture frames.

Opaque photography still printed on chemically treated paper was rare outside of a museum, but this house evidently was full of them. Unlike the museum exhibits these had no clever blurbs or informative plaques but after the first three, she didn't need them. The resemblance was unmistakable: generation after generation of men and women and dogs and cats and the odd guinea pig; all attractive, eyes in varying shades of green or blue, the odd hazel, with light hair all in varying shades of light browns or blond, the occasional brunet, a mix of races, mostly Caucasian, and the uniforms - some of these pictures were pre-First Contact - all those people in uniforms that she's only glimpsed in history texts, seen on display at the museum. But the inhabitants of this house lived through those histories.

Kirk was quiet, guiding her slowly past each frame, letting her get her fill if one sparked her particular interest. At the end of the hallway, the photos took on a more contemporary feel, the uniforms - only twenty or thirty years ago, because there were pictures of Captain Pike in those uniforms - until they abruptly ended. Kirk stopped at the second last door, pushing it open. The hinges creaked. Smiling, he nudged her inside. It’s the only room she's seen that looked remotely lived in.

Turning, she glanced out to the hallway, reluctant to leave behind what she’d seen, not certain what they’re doing in here. Kirk closed the door, leaning against it, watching her. Nyota tensed.

‘There was this girl, her name was Mary Ziyin Chang. The family was Chinese, they stayed after a gold rush and ran a grocery store in the city, bought their produce from a farm here in Riverside - across the road actually. There was this guy, William Kirk. He was an orphan, worked as a hired hand on that farm. They got married about two weeks after they met. It was a business decision, for the sake of an American name. Well,’ He glanced down, his smile almost sheepish, ‘That’s what grandma said, but I’d like to think he liked her.’

‘That was Starfleet wasn’t it? Elizabeth?’ It’s the only thing she could think of to say.

Jim Kirk rolled his eyes, laughing awkwardly. ‘Okay, we’re going to have to work on that. Yes, she was in Starfleet - she was a xenobiologist on the Warp 5 project.’

The only response she had for a revelation like that was a stare.

‘Twelve generations. Well,’ Kirk shrugged and thumbed his nose, chuckling, ‘Except for me.’

But it explained a lot. Nyota grounded her booted feet against the floorboards, anxiety coiling in her solar plexus.

He looked up at her, ‘I’m not afraid of you, if that’s what you’re worried about.’ It was the least of her worries; if the Academy board ever knew that she’d sent five one night stands to emergency clinics due to - ‘If you want to beat me up, just try it - you’re “kinky” I get it,’ He gave her a sly smile, moving closer. ‘For you, I can do “kinky”…’

‘Can you?’ She challenged, staring him down.

The reply was a slow smirk.

She expected a kiss, but he didn’t lean in, just pressed up against her, warm, breath smelling of chamomile. Slowly, that childish amusement never leaving his face, he stepped them both towards the bare bed. The impromptu dance stopped just as she felt the worn fabric of hand-made quilt along the back of her knees. The hands on her shoulders drifted down until they clasped her hands. Guided by his, her uncertain hands touched his lips; the kiss tickled her fingertips.

‘Strong hands, I can tell,’ He whispered, examining them, squeezing her knuckles, ‘Long-fingers, dexterous. Perfect-’ He smiled, ‘-for entering commands or complex manipulation of tools. And perfect-’ He turned her left hand to place a slow kiss on her palm, almost devious, ‘-for handling me.’

She laughed - sleazy, weird and well-read, what next?

He placed her hands on his shoulders with a silent command to stay. Fingertips slid along her forearms, pausing at her inner elbows, before encircling her shoulders. His hands squeezed. Nyota suppressed a groan as her tense muscles ached under his palms.

‘Arms,’ He said, eyes fluttering over her form, ‘Strong enough to pull someone to safety, to keep someone warm, for someone to feel safe. Your shoulders,’ He leaned into her and breathed against her neck, ‘They’re solid, strong and…’ He nuzzled the shell of her ear, ‘…ready to bear the burdens of command…’ Her hands on his shoulders tightened in reply, ‘And graceful… you know I keep asking myself,’ He breathed hotly against the juncture between her neck and shoulder, ‘How can shoulders be seductive…? But shit, you hold yourself so straight and proud… I like that… that’s gorgeous…’ She felt the shuffle of his feet and then they were pressed up against one another.

‘This neck,’ His face rubbed against her, ‘Holds your head up high… so full of authority, daring me… tempting me…’ The open mouthed kisses all along the stretch of skin under her ear made her shiver uncontrollably, the tremors making her knees knock.

His hands slid over her shoulders and fiddled with the clips of the suspenders, slid under her arms, down her ribs to push up her tight sweater, caressing each vertebra he revealed. ‘You work out,’ He said quietly against her ear, ‘Strong back, nice,’ The kiss made her eyes flutter shut, ‘Bet you I can stroke it juuuust right to make you arch that spine… what do you say? Loser buys winner a drink…?’

He felt along her flesh, raising goose bumps and fell silent, kissing along her jaw and slipping her top over her head, kissing the swell of her breasts, finding his way across her collar. Her fingers raked through the bristly hairs at the nape of his neck as pleasure shuddered through her body. As soon as her sweater was clear, she kissed him hard. God, Nyota moaned into the kiss, he meant it, every damn word. She wrapped one leg around him, her hands carding through his hair; all that intensity and earnestness wrapped in warm flesh and bones and tendons and a throbbing hardness rubbing against her - Nyota whimpered.

Kirk shushed her, disentangling her arms from around him, ‘Don’t rush me - I’m trying to be clever.’

Swallowing, she breathed heavily and released him though everything inside of her wanted to throw him on the bed. Smiling, he slid his hands at the sides of her waist and knelt, taking her skirt with him. Nyota fell onto the bed and lifted her booted feet out of the circle of fabric. Still on his knees, Kirk held her gaze as he shook out the uniform skirt and folded it neatly, and then her discarded sweater, all textbook folds. He laid them on a nearby footstool and laid his hands intently upon her knees. The lick up her soft inner thigh drew a whimper.

‘These legs,’ He murmured against the inside of her knee, ‘So fucking strong… bet you can run those grueling 10K courses they like to throw out…’ The peppered kisses and nibbles made her pussy quiver in anticipation, ‘I can just imagine them… wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, get me exactly where you need me to be…’ Her legs shook as she felt him pulling off the boots, stripping off the short stockings, fingers gripping between her toes.

‘Not just duty...’ He said softly, hypnotizing her with his eyes, ‘There’s more stuff to this body than protocol and strategy… more than all that crap they tell you that you’ve gotta be… baby, you are so much more than that…’

With a sharp pull that cracked her ankle bones, he dragged her to the edge of the bed and nuzzled into the juncture between her pelvis and thigh. She gasped. The suddenness made her jolt in surprise and then pleasure when he laughed, low and teasing. Nyota closed her eyes. This wouldn’t end well, there was no future. She had to be on that morning shuttle and back to her real life, but GOD his eyes were so clear, and his voice so steady and it’s impossible. She wanted to respond, but she didn’t know where to begin. His hands found hers.

Clutching at her fingers to steady himself, Kirk eased onto the bed, his thighs shuffling against her outer legs. He moved like some prowling creature, but she’s no longer afraid of all that rigidly contained power. She craved it.

‘I promised I'd show you just what these hands are capable of.’ Jim rested above her, legs straddling either side of her hips. He placed her hands on his still clothed chest, and for a moment she dug her fingers into warm flesh, all muscle and bone and blood, reveling in the heat in his eyes. His pupils were dilated and his breaths were coming fast. ‘Look what you do to me,’ The smirk was merciless, ‘Just imagine how it’d be if I was naked.’

Still sleazy, she chuckled as her hands slipped under the hem of his shirt. His skin was softer then she expected and she pushed at the fabric until it stops giving. He cupped her hands and removed the shirt entirely, throwing it to the side of the bed without the ceremony he took with hers. Something inside of her quivered and it’s suddenly hard to breathe.

The sight of his abused torso made her pause but then his hands were on her. He stretched out beside her with a slight groan, one hand on her chin to force her eyes away from the still forming bruises. ‘Hey, hey don't think about that… let me touch you…’

His eyes show their first hint of hesitation and if she wanted to, if she could find the strength, this would all end here. He reached down to unfasten his jeans. It’s awkward and Nyota reached down to help; there’s a look of pleased surprise in his eyes when there’s no hesitation in her touch. She raised an eyebrow at his reaction but all she got was a smug grin. ‘Knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me once you saw what you were missing.’

Nyota rolled her eyes and shoved the well-worn fabric past his ankles with a mix of toe and heel action. Jim Kirk’s hands gripped her hips as he pulled her on top of himself. She felt his hardness press up into her through thin cotton and had to brace her hands on his shoulder to keep from seizing at the shock.

‘God, you’re wet.’ He moaned, eyes fluttering, ‘I can feel you dripping for me.’ He thrust up to punctuate his words. She whimpered as he’s surged up beneath her, arms wrapped around her torso and lips closed over her own swallowing the small cry. His tongue stroked across the seal of her lips. She’s so focused on the dance of their tongues that she barely registered the single hand working on her bra clasp until it was undone and slipping free.

He pulled back from their kiss in order to watch as he drew the straps down her shoulders. She opened her eyes suddenly, realizing she had closed them. His eyes were sparkling with mischief. ‘Please note: I’m excellent at multitasking.’ Nyota pressed their mouths together again if only to make his smug commentary stop.

He rolled them out flat onto the bed and suddenly she’s covered in Jim Kirk. She’s surrounded by hot limbs, all flesh and passion as they slowly ground their lower bodies together in a lewd parody of what’s to follow.

Nyota placed kisses on every piece of flesh her mouth could reach. She paid special attention to an abrasion on his left shoulder, running her tongue across it and drawing a strangled gasp. He pulled back against her protests, but he’s not moving away so much as moving down.

‘You are not going to distract me that easily.’ With a mischievous lift of an eyebrow, he held her gaze, eyes darkening, ‘I’m going to finish what I started.’

She shivered in reaction to his words as much as his actions when open-mouth kisses, sloppy and wet, found their way across one breast and then the other. The combined sensation of his kneading hands and eager mouth makes Nyota keen for the want of it. He continued his downward trek, pausing to pay attention to sensitive spots she didn’t even know she had. A lick across her lower ribcage made her giggle (giggle for GOD’s sake) but the sharp nip to her right hip drew a moan. He moved from her hip to her core without lifting his mouth from her skin. The cool air from the room warred with his warm breath as he stroked her pussy lips through the sensible cotton panties, hooked his fingers at the waistbands and pulled away her last shred of dignity.

And then he’s there between her thighs and she couldn’t stay still if her life depended on it. He moved slower this time, but not enough for her to regain her breath. Her hands grasped and released searching for something to grab onto until that first steady lick to her pussy drew her hands to his hair like a magnet. She’s torn between pulling him back and pushing him closer. In the end he took the decision from her by reaching up to pull her hands down to her sides, threading their fingers together.

Anchored and floating, all of her awareness centered on those three points of joining, his mouth driving her higher while his two hands kept her grounded. His mouth was gentle but demanding as he first caressed her lazily with rough strokes and then probed for entrance. His nose bumped her clit as he tried to work his tongue as far inside her as it will go. It wasn’t long before she was rocking against his mouth, gripping his hands to gain leverage and he’s lapping at her release.

Jim loosened his grip on her fingers and retraced his path up her body, nuzzling into the hollows and planes of her panting, shivering body. He worked his way to the hollow made by her neck and shoulders and she turned so that her lips were even with his ear. ‘I thought I was supposed to be the one with the talented tongue.’

His husky chuckle vibrated along her jaw. The gentle kiss behind her ear was wet and warm. ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet.’

Nyota almost laughed at the look of shock on Jim’s face when she pushed him off her and onto his back. ‘I don’t think so. I think it’s my turn to show you a thing or two.’ She did laugh, a sound of empowerment and flat out joy she’d missed, at the groan and look on his face when she threw one leg around his torso and ground down onto the hard evidence of his arousal.

The feel of Kirk between her thighs wasn’t that far from the sensation of riding Sarah. All that power underneath her, under her control, waiting to be unleashed and a little dangerous - but GOD does she feel ALIVE. She rose up just enough to push his briefs down past his knees and then there’s nothing between them.  He’s nestled against her slick heat. The sensation, foreign and yearned for, was savored as she just held his cock there, feeling him pulse against her core but soon it’s too much and she had to slide against him, grunting as her brain leaped ahead and they were in a tangle on the bed, his cock sliding up inside her and their thighs straining against each other to occupy the same space.

His hands grip the sheets, struggling to give her time, be patient; the look on his face was almost one of pain. Nyota was caught between feeling sorry for teasing him or euphoric, reveling in the power he’d given over to her. She reached down to grasp him gently in her hands, stroking him, letting her fingers slick up with pre-cum and her own excitement. The keening half-moan in the back of his throat as his hips flexed upwards made drove her insane. Nyota raised herself up and held him at her entrance, teasing herself with the head of his cock as she slowly sank down his length, wincing at pinching sensation.

‘Fuck.’ She said, her voice trembling, because it felt so fucking good and hurt so fucking bad, her cunt was slicking around him but it’s been so long and - ‘Shit, tell me you’re protected.’ She whispered harshly, breathing desperately and trying to sound serious even though her hips were rocking in a circular motion, rubbing her clit against the base of his cock and all she could feel was an urge to whine from the sweet pleasure of it all.

Kirk grunted, ‘Yes,’ He moaned, ‘Yes.’

Nyota’s fingers dug into the thighs behind her and she felt Kirk move around, knees bending as his feet pressed against the flat of the bed, surging against her. Using the leverage, she rose a little and then sank back down, shaking and moaning because it felt so good, the pleasure tensing her stomach, that sensation of desperation, more, now, fuck me, sharp and warm and - she moaned, sliding back and forth, fucking herself onto him and feeling him stroke all the right places. She fell across him with a cry when the stimulation got too much, burning through her cunt and lighting a fire in her belly.

It’s all the chance that Kirk needed to reverse their position, press her back into cool damp sheets. She tightened around him instinctively, fingers clutching at the flesh of his arms and he made a strangled noise even as he thrust into her, deep and hard. ‘Not going anywhere, I swear,’ He bit out, and then she was closing her eyes and arching her back, engulfed in the pleasure.

Resting a foot against his ass, Nyota slid her other foot against the back of his thigh and dragged him closer, grappling at his sides for him to go deeper, harder. He held her close, their bodies locked in a sweaty kiss with their hips straining towards one another in a desperate attempt to defy the laws of physics, occupy the same space. He didn’t close his eyes, just stared at her, mischievous right in her damn face and making her wonder what was so fucking funny about her coming undone as she just whimpered and moaned and twisted underneath him. She thrust her pelvis up, inviting him in further and grinding against him, erratic rocks of her hips because she was close, so fucking close.

Jim laughed, breathless and cheerful and she slammed their lips together as she climbed higher, and then she’s hurtled through space and he’s right there with her, screaming and moaning and - ‘Ahhhh, ahh, oh, ohhh, don’t stop,’ She hissed, curling her fingers over his ass and pulling him tight against her.

Finally they slowed, and she sank back against the wet messy sheets. He's sweaty and heavy and it's perfect until the need to breath reasserts itself. With a grunt Nyota shoved against his shoulders. Jim chuckled as he rolled off to the side.

‘Man,’ The Idiot said breathlessly, with a happy groan, ‘I have the BEST ideas.’

With a snort Nyota elbowed him right in his bruised ribs. ‘Pig.’

For a few minutes she lied there almost basking in the - what was this, afterglow, relief? Her cunt tingled pleasantly, the aftershock giving her phantom trills of pleasure. Silently in the dim lighting, she took a deep breath and stroked her wet, soft pussy and raised her hips at the strong sting of hunger and lust that ran through her nerves. Nyota swallowed hard. ‘How long do you need?’

Jim rolled onto an elbow and gave her an amused look, ‘Uhura, I’m shocked.’

She shrugged and felt a lightness flutter out from her, the heat from her belly spreading till her entire body was soft, malleable, and aching for more. She smiled, ‘You offered.’

With a long look and a bark of laughter, Jim Kirk kissed her on the side of the jaw, warm and slow, before cupping her breast and sucking it into his mouth, making her squirm and gasp, even as his fingers slid between her pussy lips and slid inside. ‘I’ll need probably half an hour, but how about-‘ The nick against the underside of her breast made her jump, ‘-I entertain you until then…’


‘So earlier you mentioned the regulations against Inter-fleet relations. Sounds to me like there might be a story there, come on spill... who would you be with if outmoded and ill thought out regulations didn't get in the way.’

Nyota turned her head from where she was resting her chin on Jim Kirk’s stomach, her skin still pricking and warm, her thighs strained and just generally sore all over, in the best possible way. She opened her mouth to protest his disparagement of regulations but he cut her off.

‘Don't give me any of that “rules are there for a reason” bull crap either. I know they are there for a reason - and in a shocking turn of events, I even know what that reason is: rules and regulations are there to keep people safe, to protect them. When rules no longer serve that purpose… when they in point of fact negate their purpose, then it is the duty of decent people to reject those rules. So.... who is he, or her, or you know, it?’ He said with an exaggerated waggle of his eyebrows as he leaned up to grin at her, ‘Cause I know you're not the unfeeling person you try to present. Hell after tonight,’ She shivered as he stroked down the arm throw over his chest as she sprawled face down on his stomach, ‘I'd say I have some pretty convincing proof of your passions.’

Nyota shifted a little closer, resting her head on his chest, her mood taking a dive even as she luxuriated in the sensation of his broad hands stroking down her back, across her neck and shoulders, their legs tangled together. ‘There isn’t anyone.’

‘You are a terrible liar. What is he? An alien? A third sex? Married? Engaged? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Deadly allergy to beautiful women?’

Maybe. A memory of Commander Spock, back straight and stiff, turning to survey cadets in a training exercise, flash through her mind’s eye. And not really beautiful women, more like humanity in general…

‘Is it a cadet?’ There was a gentle nudge of a knee against hers. ‘Who are they? Upper classman? Your rival? Hmm, I can imagine you getting all hot and bothered over some guy or chick who has a talented tongue.’ He punctuated his teasing words with a squeeze of her waist, ‘Or is it a superior officer? Oh fuck, it is isn’t it? That’s why you’re Miss Space Cadet of the Year - you have a total hard on for a rule stickler. Shit.’

She sighed in defeat and tilted her head to look at him, ‘He's my xenolinguistics advisor, and trust me he would never go against regulations.’

‘Why not?’

Because he was a fucking Vulcan, because he didn’t know anything except work, because he was Commander Spock - fuck, what did it matter? So she just had fuzzy feelings for him, it wasn’t like she was going to announce them, be turned down flat cold, kicked out of the best damn linguistics class in the whole of the Communications program, lose the respect he had for her, be humiliated for wanting something more when he practically considered her as a “lower being”.

‘His people believe in order. Even if he felt something for me, he'd never acknowledge it because of his cultural upbringing.’

‘Whoa, whoa, so he’s an alien? Uhura, you naughty girl.’

She laughed despite herself and slapped his side.

The kiss to her forehead was unexpected; the tenderness, the intimacy, she wasn’t expecting it, and it was so foreign, and - she swallowed painfully at the well of bitterness and grief, a hot flush running through her body.

‘Not one for the easy road are you…?’ His words were soft and tickled the crown of her hair, ‘Knew there was a reason I liked you. Brilliant, in amazing shape and likes a good hard challenge.’

She laughed and felt tears well up in her eyes, ‘Fuck you.’

Fuck you. No one said shit like that. She knew what she was. Brilliant little Nyota, a little too focused, too dedicated; relax honey, go play, I bought you a pretty dress, don’t you want to go play; mom not talking to her because it was like they were speaking different languages, sometimes literally, when she’d read Tang poetry, the sounds beautiful and crisp and fluid, urging someone to wonder at it with her, to cry at the depth of emotion in these long dead words, and all her mother could say was, we’re having steak tonight. But he’s not lying.

His body heaved under hers as he shrugged, ‘I've always felt that if it's easy it's not worth having. The reverse of that being, if it's worth having then it's damn well worth fighting for. I know you've got more than enough spunk, so where's the problem? If you don't strive for it, I guarantee you’ll never succeed.’

She got up on her elbows, incredulous that she was hearing this. ‘Crap, have you slept with Commander Lang or something? For someone who complains about me mentioning Starfleet, you sound like a fucking presentation.’

‘And you’re suddenly swearing every second word -‘ His eyes took on that teasing lustful light and flicked down across her breasts, to the thatch of hair sliding against his soft cock, ‘Is this what amazing sex does to a nice girl like you?’

‘Fuck you,’ She said without any heat. ‘He is my superior officer and we are not going that road, so you can just shut your trap.’

When he opened his mouth, Nyota shushed him with a kiss, because even they were never going to see each other again after this night, this conversation hit her nerves in all the wrong places.

‘You just don't understand,’ She whispered, nuzzling against him, feeling like she was choking. Slowly, she slid back down to lie in the crook of his neck, the side of her right knee hooked over his hip. ‘Shut up and go to sleep, Kirk, I've got to be on that morning shuttle and I'm sure you're exhausted.’ Her fingers smoothed over his lips, ‘Don’t - just don’t… please.’

He kissed her fingers slowly and she felt his body relax under hers.


‘Uhura, wake up.’

Nyota opened her eyes to darkness and blinked blearily at the dim sight of Jim Kirk grinning in her face, outlined by a solitary candle - old-fashioned wax and wick for crying out loud. Suddenly, she bolted up, adrenalin charging through her veins. ‘FUCK! Am I late?’ She yelled, before realizing that it was still dark, and by the clock, she’d only slept for an hour. Irritated, she ran a hand through her messy locks and shoved Kirk back. ‘Crap, you scared me - what the hell are we doing awake so early?’

It was only 5am. They could have slept for another two hours. It was still dark outside. With an excited look, the Idiot set the candle on a bedside, dragged her off the bed. ‘Got something to show you.’ He said excitedly, wrapping a throw around her shoulders.

What the hell, she thought with irritation but then they were outside on the balcony and she was shivering in the damp coolness. Throwing himself down on a nearby rattan sofa, Jim Kirk patted the space next to him, already pulling a thick dirty blanket over his naked lap. He hadn’t even bothered to get dressed, and just walked out on his balcony, buck naked in the cold. She rolled her eyes and felt a smile come to her lips - she really shouldn’t even be surprised anymore.

‘Come on, sit down - I’m dying of exposure here.’

Sighing, she sat down and allowed him to pull the blankets tight around her. It was warm and frosty at the same time, and it felt - the Idiot leaned against her, eyes riveted on the sky above. She looked up, curious, and watched as something sparked up there and then jumped, several long beautiful bright lines of light charging across the sky before disappearing, silent and mysterious.

‘Meteor shower on this morning,’ Kirk finally explained his voice a hushed whisper. ‘It’s just refuse from the mining going on in the asteroid belt but it’s supposed to be a real stunning view. See over there,’ He pointed at a random area in the sky, ‘Watch it, that’s the radiant - to the naked eye, that’s the origin of the shooting stars. Started five minutes ago but from the report on the Networks, it’s going to be hot for at least twenty minutes.’

Nyota peered at the dark parch of sky Kirk had pointed to and wondered as stars burst into life like a flash flare, streaking outwards in a brilliant beam of light in slow motion. She took a deep slow breath, mesmerized.

‘They’re false Rigeliads - false because well, like I said, mining refuse, but yeah, they look like they’re originating from the Rigel star system. Gorgeous aren’t they?’ Jim Kirk grinned fondly, turned upwards, his hair rubbing against her bare shoulder, ‘Usually the radiant is too low on the horizon to see anything, or the mining ops are more thorough, but it’s just the right conditions today.’

She turned and regarded Jim Kirk in the blue darkness of pre-dawn.

‘Enlist in Starfleet.’ She said bluntly, ‘You can go Science track, get posted to a survey vessel.’

He stiffened before turning to her, breaths warm against her throat. She felt his eyes on her, ‘Enlist? God, could you at least use a different word? Bullshit - can’t fucking believe this.’ There was a sardonic tone to his voice as he trailed off, before refocusing on her: ‘You guys really must be low on your recruiting quota for this month. Thanks but no thanks, I’ve been offered before - it’s not my thing.’

She wasn’t surprised to hear someone had offered to sponsor his admission. She didn’t need to see his scores to know that there was something there in that thick skull of his. ‘Why not? You said it yourself: twelve generations.’

‘Yeah, twelve generations of crewman and women, not Officers - sorry, but I don’t do military.’

‘Fine, then apply to join the Federation Academy of Sciences on Deneb V, or even the Academy of Arts and Culture on Betazed - become a civilian crewmember.’ She said urgently, not sure what this was suddenly important to her.

The laugh was dry but the kiss was warm and soft. ‘Sorry, but I prefer the quiet life.’

Something inside of her twisted at that. The quiet life - getting married, having children, lazing around on off-days and, and… and then what? It looked peaceful but then - her eyes roamed across the star field above her, so close and so far away, crystal clear and brilliant without all the lights of San Francisco.

‘Do you have a dream? A vision how your life should be? Something you want?’


She nodded, staring hard as more streaks of light filled the top left hand side of the skyline. ‘Okay, what is it then? Because that stupid thing you said - if you don’t strive for it, I guarantee you’ll never succeed - what was that?’ She asked softly, ‘You said that like you were quoting something.’

In the darkness, Jim Kirk paused and gave her an awkward laugh. ‘Shit, you got me there.’ Standing and stretching with a loud yawn, Kirk padded back inside. ‘I’m hungry, you coming?’


She leaned heavily against his back, soaking up the residual warmth from his leather jacket as the wind whipped by her ears. The fields and hills passed in a blur of green and blue. Slowly, the bike came to a standstill and she felt it tip to one side as Kirk set a foot down. Blinking against the warm leather, she dragged herself off the backseat, feeling stiff from small doze she’d had on the way here. Nyota rubbed her eyes and tugged at her uniform, smoothing down the side of her skirt.

‘You going to be okay to walk the rest of the way?’ He asked, sniffing in the cool blue light of early dawn.

She nodded. ‘Yeah, listen I -‘

‘Be amazing, Cadet, and save the world.’ He said with his usual lightness, deliberately cutting her off. With an enigmatic smile and a glance at the shipyard’s latest creation behind her, he kicked off and swung the bike hard in the dirt scrub, heading back to where they came from.

‘Wait!’ She yelled, ‘Come back here you-‘

Come back here you bastard, I’ll tell you my damn name, if you enlist and do the damn test -

‘Uhura! YUU-HUUU!’

Nyota turned on her heel, startled by the call. In the distance, Jacobson waved her arms wildly. Smiling tiredly, she waved back and then glanced behind her. The red tail lights disappeared.


There was a slight nudge at her side before Jacobson was hissing in her ear. ‘Uhura, isn’t that the guy from the bar?’

Nyota’s eyes snapped open in surprise. There, the last sight she expected to see on this ride back to the Academy, Jim Kirk wore a perplexed expression upon his face as he fiddled with the seatbelt, struggling to get it over his shoulders. The bruises were lighter, almost flesh-colored and there was a slightly flushed pink hue across his cheeks, evidence of recent dermal regeneration. His lips were chapped and bitten and she fought down a blush at evidence of how rough she’d been.

Suddenly he paused, catching sight of her, the startled expression flashing across his face making it clear that he had no idea she was going to be on this shuttle. She gave him a long cool look, confused why he was here, wondering if he had reconsidered what she had said.

Jim Kirk broke into a familiar smile and finished buckling up, his eyes flicking away. ‘Never did get that first name.’

and then the movie happens...

pairing: kirk/uhura, stxi kink meme, fanfiction

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