FIC: untitled fun

Sep 15, 2009 21:55

PROMPT: Temporarily or always a girl!Spock gets knocked up by Kirk.

‘You’re having a baby! Oh God! We’re having a baby! A baby!’ He grabbed a fist full of his hair and turned around in a circle before staring at the ceiling again, ‘Shit, shit, shit, this is great - but like - oh SHIT!’ He made a strange whooping noise and jumped up, punching at something invisible in the air. Finally, he returned to sanity and gave her a wide-eyed stare. ‘You know your boobs are going to get big.’

In the background, Doctor McCoy swore under his breath. Spock turned and stared.  With a slight raise of the eyebrows, she tilted her head slightly. ‘Excuse me?’

‘Your boobs,’ Jim said with a grin, eyes flicking down to her chest and unfolding his arms to gesture vaguely. He cleared his throat, ‘They’re um… going to, you know, expand.’

Sliding her legs off the bio-bed, she stood and tugged her uniform top down, smoothing the creases with a hand. As usual, Jim was talking… illogically. But, she supposed that she preferred him to be awake rather than unconscious on the floor. ‘As Doctor McCoy has stated, I am not dying, merely with child. Please return to the bridge, Captain.’

With a slightly cowed look, he gave her a quick nod and took off at a run.

Confused, she raised an eyebrow.

There was a loud snicker behind her. She turned and regarded the Doctor, who was fiddling with vials of her blood and filling in a new patient chart on the nearby console. ‘You know, you can tell Jim to jump on his head and dance like a monkey and he’ll do it.’

Spock glanced away, not understanding. ‘I’m sorry doctor, is this some human custom?’

With a laugh, the doctor brushed past her and quickly went to a nearby cabinet, collecting a hypospray kit and several vials. ‘Nope, he’s scared of you.’ He gave her an amused look, ‘Pregnant women on earth have a bit of a reputation, for ah, well,’ Doctor McCoy gave her a full blown smirk, ‘Putting their men in their places, if you know what I mean.’

No, she didn’t. But it sounded like something worthy of further investigation.

LOL i saw the prompt and the words "YOUR BOOBS ARE GONNA GET BIG" just popped into my head

girl!spock, stxi kink meme, forlolz, pairing: kirk/spock, fanfiction

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