Okay, so I said the other day that that I'll be doing a countdown, right?
So today, I opened the site already.
2 9 T H There you have it, folks, a countdown until the 21st of November!
I hosted it in my other domain. :) Which is cool, right? Since I only wished for one domain and suddenly I got 2.
Plus, instead of installing
Wordpress like a normal person would, I installed
Zeroboard which is a new tool for me. It's coded in Korean and was translated to English. Thank goodness! Only problem is, since it's translated from Korean, most of the time, I have no clue what the interface is trying to say even though it's in English but common sense makes up for it.
I hope I'll be able to post in forums again like soompi and shinbiz and shcj, GAH. It's like, not breathing when you're restricted from them. I really want to promote this one as it's Shinhwa related but heck, i can't. DARN IT.
I guess it's my fault as the minute I can walk and function normally again, I was up and about immediately and didn't even rest for a month or so. So then I got sick all over again and now I can't even do more fangirling!!!! GAGSHJSHAJSLKAMKJMZIOQIWWOIO!!!!!
And just when Shinhwa's about to come back together again! DANG IT!