Well, my
perfect man is a much dedicated blogger than I am so I always check his
website once every hour and dang! Just as I was about to go to bed for a 2 hour sleep, I check his blog and viola!
Well, I can't understand a lot of Korean, just yet. So I have no idea. But maybe I'll ask my sister to snoop around tomorrow. No, wait. I'll FORCE HER to find out tomorrow. I can't go snooping now as no one has translated it yet to English cause apparently, not many has seen the post yet as there were just about 267 views when I checked it, and normally, his post views are 5,600-6,000 or sometimes, even more, like 13,960 page views!
GAH, his post was made today, as in 28th of OCTOBER!!! it means he's still awake! GAWD, Wan, it's already 5 am in Korea, what the heck are you doing up so late? Unless, of course, he posted it after he woke up and not before he went to sleep. But whatever.
Okay, I'll shut up now.
Anyways, remember last post and those other posts when I kept mentioning how I want to buy a new domain, well, my dad just bought me one yesterday for a whole year with free hosting to boot! It's really EMPTY right now.
http://www.weak-man.net I'll fill it up Monday or, I don't know... when I get better.
Damn asthma and migrane!
Wan looks so effing yummy in a really subtle way in the picture he posted with his entry.