Max came back!

May 09, 2012 15:24

I just realized I never updated - after three days running around who knows where, Max returned yesterday at 5 am. I am, of course, beyond relieved. His disappearance was really out of character and scared the shit out of me. Max has been allowed out of the house for short periods of time, but he doesn't usually venture very far away, and mostly likes lying on the cement in the sunshine. He generally comes back after an hour or two, and even if he's feeling naughty and takes longer, I usually see him - like, he'll appear on the fence, and if I try to grab him, he'll run off. Repeat ad nauseum until he gets bored and comes inside to cuddle.

So three days in which I didn't see him at ALL? I was completely freaked. I was sure he was injured and hiding in a neighbor's shed or something. Most of my neighbors let me search their backyards, and I crawled under porches and shined a flashlight under their houses and stuff, but I couldn't find any sign of him. I posted messages on craigslist and called the animal shelter and put up posters. It was bad and scary and stressful.

But then he just wandered in yesterday in the wee hours. OMG so relieved. I am very curious as to where he was, but he's not saying anything. But he's really thirsty and seems to have lost a bit of weight on his adventure. He's also been super affectionate and cuddly. I am happy to indulge.


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