My dad and Star Trek.

Mar 18, 2012 01:00

When I was in junior high and high school, I fucking loved Star Trek: TNG because it is awesome. So for my birthday (or something?) when I was 14, my parents got me this really nice and high quality pin of the Star Trek communicator button.

I'll be honest, my reaction was basically "what the fuck? You think I want to actually wear a Star Trek communicator pin in public?" I mean, I was FOURTEEN. In NINTH GRADE. It is not a great time in a young human's life in general, and I don't think wearing a Star Trek communicator pin would have improved things. Maybe you were one of those ~free spirits~ they always have in high school movies who don't care what other people think of them, but I was the target of bullying and ordinary asshole high school behavior and I wasn't going to give people more ammunition for teasing. So I put the button in a box and eventually it disappeared somewhere. I know my dad was always super disappointed that his gift was not a hit, but I honestly hadn't thought about it in ages.

Until about ten minutes ago, when my dad brought it up and told me how he's still confused as to why I didn't ever wear the pin. I was like "did you even GO to high school?"

I'm kind of O___o that he's spent the last nine years wondering why a ninth grader wouldn't want to wear a Star Trek communicator button.

star trek tag, familytimes = crazytimes

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